100, 000 Radiations – The Massacre of The Biblical Jews by The Ashkenazis

On August 14, 2004 at 9 PM, Israeli television station, Channel Ten, broke all convention and exposed the ugliest secret of Israel’s Labor Zionist founders; the deliberate mass radiation poisoning of nearly all Sephardi youths.

The expose began with the presentation of a documentary film called, 100, 000 Radiations, and concluded with a panel discussion moderated by TV host Dan Margalit, surprising because he is infamous for toeing the establishment line.

In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba flew to America and returned with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.

They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35, 000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300, 000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60, 000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on “school trips” and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6, 000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.

Yes, that is the subject of the documentary in cold terms. It is another matter to see the victims on the screen. ie. To watch the Moroccan lady describe what getting 35, 000 times the dose of allowable x-rays in her head feels like.

“I screamed make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. But it never went away.”

To watch the bearded man walk hunched down the street.

” I’m in my fifties and everyone thinks I’m in my seventies. I have to stoop when I walk so I won’t fall over. They took my youth away with those x-rays.”

To watch the old lady who administered the doses to thousands of children.

“They brought them in lines. First their heads were shaved and smeared in burning gel. Then a ball was put between their legs and the children were ordered not to drop it, so they wouldn’t move. The children weren’t protected over the rest of their bodies. There were no lead vests for them. I was told I was doing good by helping to remove ringworm. If I knew what dangers the children were facing, I would never have cooperated. Never!”

Because the whole body was exposed to the rays, the genetic makeup of the children was often altered, affecting the next generation. We watch the woman with the distorted face explain, “All three of my children have the same cancers my family suffered. Are you going to tell me that’s a coincidence?”

Everyone notices that Sephardi women in their fifties today, often have sparse patchy hair, which they try to cover with henna. Most of us assumed it was just a characteristic of Sephardi women. We watch the woman on the screen wearing a baseball-style hat. She places a picture of a lovely young teenager with flowing black hair opposite the lens. “That was me before my treatment. Now look at me.” She removes her hat. Even the red henna can’t cover the horrifying scarred bald spots.

The film made it perfectly plain that this operation was no accident. The dangers of x-rays had been known for over forty years. We read the official guidelines for x-ray treatment in 1952. The maximum dose to be given a child in Israel was .5 rad. There was no mistake made. The children were deliberately poisoned.

David Deri, makes the point that only Sephardi children received the x- rays.

“I was in class and the men came to take us on a tour. They asked our names. The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus.”

The Moroccan lady is back on the screen. “It was a Holocaust, a Sephardi Holocaust. And what I want to know is why no one stood up to stop it.”

MY COMMENT: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON WITH VACCINES NOW. The Ashkenazi Jews proved with this event that they will target perfectly innocent children for destruction just because they are a “lesser race”. If the Sephardic Jews, who are still Jews could be the target of the Ashkenazi, what do you think Ashkenazi Jewry thinks of any children that are not Jewish at all?

ANSWER: Obviously they are all now targeted for destruction via vaccination, and this is precisely why the number of obviously damaged children is off the charts.

Let’s go down the list here:

1. First of all, with the 100, 000 radiations, it is stated that it was all done as a “medical procedure”. DITTO FOR VACCINES.

2. It is stated that thousands of children died outright, yet the parents of these children simply accepted it. DITTO FOR VACCINES

3. It is stated that tens of thousands of children were severely damaged, a fact that was known all through the process of destroying the children, yet the parents still allowed the children to be rounded up and blasted in the head, just because it was a state sponsored “medical procedure.” DITTO FOR VACCINES.

4. It is stated that it was obvious an entire generation of Sephardic children were being destroyed, and NO ONE DID ANYTHING. DITTO FOR VACCINES, which are obviously destroying children now, and NO ONE is doing anything because the doctors and state can simply shout down anyone who notices. The media, which is virtually 100 PERCENT Ashkenazi owned, is also not uttering a peep, just like they did not utter a peep about the 100, 000 radiations until 50 years after they happened.

5. It is stated that the workers who did this horrific act to all of those children did not know what they were doing, they were merely tools, DITTO FOR VACCINES

to be continued…..

by Jim Stone


Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children: From Antiquity to Today

I think this almost book-length article is becoming extremely important.

You will then learn of the history of Free Masons and their connection to world events at the present time, connections which include Trump and his family. Of course if you have time, please, please read the entire article.  Mik.

By Joachim Hagopian

Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite. At the head of this planet’s ruling elite are 13 family bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as well as European royalty, controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges, CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top level spies and police chiefs.

“Even in the Bible you find references to these practices with Israelites. The reason the first 10 tribes were banished to Babylonia was because of these rituals with children”

Blackmailed pedophile politicians, many of whom are well known elected representatives occupying critically important positions in virtually every national government, particularly in the West, have remained insularly protected and immune from investigation and prosecution. Why? Because those running these global child sex networks internationally control both them and law enforcement and high courts. Pedophiles are disbursed amongst such elitist think tanks as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well as various covert organizations like Yale’s Skull and Bones Society and 33rd degree and higher Freemasonry. The bottom line is too many of these “upstanding” members are secretly satanic worshipping, bloodthirsty child rapists and killers. Pizzagate, the Clintons, the Weiners and Jeffrey Epstein are merely the tip of the iceberg.

With last year’s Pizzagate turned this year’s Pedogate scandal exposing the cockroaches like never before, 2017 finds this diabolical elite frantically heading for the hills, buying up private islands and heading underground, while aggressively acting out above ground with false flags every week and by the day desperately pushing humanity closer to world war and global economic collapse. Faking staged events have become an unholy racket of government theater. With the public masses forced to be preoccupied by everyday signs that their world is fast falling apart, the desperate monsters fearing loss of control are banking on their sins against our children getting drowned out by the elite’s manufactured storm of earthly chaos, shock and awe noise and escalating terror of ongoing violence, war and ultimate global destruction.

While we’ve never been closer to bringing the hordes of guilty child rapists to justice, it’s no accident that we’ve also never been closer to self-annihilation as a human species. Before the psychopathic criminals who only have contempt for humanity go down, they’re determined to destroy us first, drastically reducing the world population by their divide and conquer, fast kill methods of war and violence.

This presentation analyzes and exposes one very dark, sinister aspect of the elite’s most egregious atrocities against humanity – the despicably sick, voracious appetite for children’s flesh and blood. Like the demonic vampires they are, the blood of the innocent literally becomes the lifeblood that rejuvenates their own vitality, strength and bloodlust to demonically and compulsively feast on yet more of their targeted defenseless prey. The elite has long known the veracity of the latest scientific breakthroughs and discoveries confirming the incredible dividends gained from consuming young people’s healthier blood that restores vitality, aiding them with their age old quest to live forever.

VIDEO: Interview of elite banker, Ronald Bernard, reveals how luciferian cult of child pedophilia and murder is used to maintain members in a grip of cult loyalty and psychopathic behavior under threat of extortion. Advance to minute 21 for Bernard’s catharsis moment.


The Science of Young Blood Rejuvenating Health in the Elderly

Based on research from the twenty-first century alone, modern science appears to support the widely held contention that young blood restores and regenerates health in older people. Though most studies have used mice, as of late, human blood and plasma supplied by youthful donors to the elderly through transfusions are further exploring and advancing the medical benefits, reversing the aging process as well as applied treatment for a host of human diseases and maladies.

VIDEO: Talmudic Jews Believe Non-Jews (Goyim) Are Beasts to Serve Jews as Slaves.  In 2001 the Israeli coordinated 9/11 False Flag was used to send US “Goyim” to war for Israel.


Injecting mice with human teenagers’ blood has been shown to reverse the aging process in mice and apparently carries beneficial effects to every organ studied. Research in 2012 has demonstrated blood from younger mice enhanced the cognitive brain functioning of older mice by regenerating function to near half their age, strengthening both existing neurons and even producing new brain cells, indicating promising results that may rejuvenate the brains of older dementia suffering patients. Isolating the key components in the younger blood that increased 20% of the neural connections in older mice is a long term goal being applied to the aging human brain. This experiment even made the older mice look younger. As of two and a half years ago, the Stanford researchers began administering blood transfusions from young donors under age 30 to older Alzheimer’s patients in order to explore their positive impact to inhibit and potentially cure the out of control epidemic of dementia.

An earlier 2005 Stanford study showed that liver function in older mice was also restored to a younger condition and muscle injuries healed faster, similar to that of younger mice. A Harvard research team in 2012 also experimenting with mice determined that even an aging heart can be reversed with younger blood. The prospect of revitalizing tissue and stem cells appears extremely encouraging. Astounding implications extrapolated from all these recently confirmed scientific findings is that the blood of the young can benefit the old in dramatically profound ways, reversing aging of both internal organs to prior functioning states as well as becoming a potential “fountain of youth.”

A 2015 issue of Nature summarizes the research this way:

In the heart, brain, muscles and almost every other tissue examined, the blood of young mice seems to bring new life to aging organs, making old mice stronger, smarter and healthier. It even makes their fur shinier.

It has also been discovered that young people’s blood carry anti-carcinogenic agents through their bloodstream and thus blood transfusions are being currently explored as potential treatment for cancer patients. Also muscle atrophy resulting from both aging and chemotherapy and radiation treatment may be reversed by young blood and plasma transfusions.

As a related side note, late last November the so called Pizzagate scandal was reaching fever pitch on the internet, linking the Clintons and Podesta brothers to spirit cooking performed by an occult celeb artist who uses semen, urine and breast milk amongst her spirit cooking recipes, and frequently human and animal blood in her art and black occult rituals. When artist Marina Abramovic was reported to drink human blood, observers began speculating that her much younger appearance than her actual age of 70 may be attributed to her intake of young blood. At the time of Pizzagate’s zenith implicating Washington VIP’s for pedophilia, a DC child sex trafficking ring and possible satanic rituals involving child victims, a Time Magazine article dated November 22nd featured a story entitled “Young Blood Transfusions Don’t Cure Aging,” as if timed to directly counter all the child blood rumors swirling about online. Even Hillary’s television appearances during her debates seemed to belie her failing health observed just days earlier, repeatedly losing her balance, her strange facially spastic, seizure-like spells, accompanied by strong suspicion she was suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Yet her debate appearances showed her looking miraculously vibrant and healthy, sparking heavy conjecture she may have been artificially propped up by massive young blood transfusions. Her confirmed Wiccan past only fueled these rumored claims.

Time Magazine’s odd timing with its junk science totally debunking all previous research conducted this century that has consistently touted the promising connection between young blood and antiaging seems more than coincidental, especially coming from a globalist publication whose parent company is a longtime top Hillary Clinton donor. Of course as a fake stream rag, Time’s been notorious for running the never-ending fake story that the Russians secretly influenced the election, using that flagrant lie as a wag the dog distraction to diffuse humiliating Clinton, DNC and Podesta scandals like Pizzagate, her FBI criminal investigation and the rampant DNC corruption that apparently cost her long anointed victory.

As another billionaire interested in staying young forever, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Peter Thiel has been hyping the importance of young blood, investing millions in antiaging startups like Ambrosia, a company in nearby Monterey currently running clinical trials of blood plasma transfusions (minus the blood cells) supplied by an under 25 age group pumped into the veins of customers 35 years and older willing to pay $8000 a shot. This pay-to-play 2-liter plasma transfusion has been ethically criticized based on both its hefty price tag and lack of a research placebo control group. While Pizzagate was stealing even MSM headlines at the time, science critics in multiple publications warned that even with matched blood type, the recipient may still reject donor blood or plasma, risking a catastrophic, even lethal immune response.

Additionally, with unlicensed stem cell transplants already a booming industry, the even easier means of opening unlicensed blood or plasma transfusion centers is reputedly posing a public health danger. One researcher believes a fully funded longitudinal study (which he asserts does not currently exist) would take up to six years to determine whether or not infusing young blood into older humans will actually increase the lifespan. Meanwhile, ongoing studies are investigating whether the efficacy of young plasma is a viable form of stroke treatment in China and the original Stanford team is continuing to run a double blind trial for Alzheimer patients.

The concept of injecting younger blood into older humans for antiaging purposes has been around for a very long time. Nearly a century ago a notable Russian physician, philosopher, sci-fi writer and early Bolshevik activist named Alexander Bogdanov conducted blood transfusion experiments using university students’ blood on himself and even Vladimir Lenin’s sister with reported positive results. Both Bogdanov and his peers made glowing anecdotal testimonials that injection of young blood took 10 years off the doctor’s appearance in a remarkably short time span. But history of renewed health through ingesting children’s blood dates back millenniums.

Ancient Cultures Engaged in Ritualistic Practices of Drinking Human Blood

Drinking human blood is embedded in a myriad of ancient civilizations from the Mesopotamians and Hebrews to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Folklore fables of the undead partaking in the flesh and blood of humans originates in virtually every ancient culture around the world, most often the perpetrators being demons or spirits. The oldest known blood drinking deity was Lilith, the underworld goddess from Jewish mythology that first surfaced in the Babylonian Talmud between the third and fifth centuries. But Lilith can be traced to even earlier roots in Mesopotamia, Samaria and Assyria.

The ancient Indian deity Kali was also consumed with secret rituals involving the drinking of blood. Additionally, pre-Colombian, Norse, Germanic and ancient Persian legends also include blood drinking. According to Egyptian mythology, the gods Osiris and his brother Set, abandoned by their parents at birth, were raised by a mysterious black arts family, bestowing special powers to Osiris. It’s believed that offerings to Osiris were of flesh and blood as well as sacrificial human corpses. Later in this article the connection between Osiris and the Freemasons and Satanism will be further unveiled.

The Greek goddess Hecate and her daughters were closely associated with magic, sorcery and temple rituals involving blood (despite ancient Greek law forbidding it). Also Lamia, the Greek queen of Lybia, was portrayed as an evil woman who drank children’s blood for secret power and robust health.

Though Christianity also prohibits this practice, one ritual that includes symbolically drinking the blood of Jesus suggests that pre-Christian cults regarded blood rituals as highly important. Thus for at least 5,000 years, near universally, people from cultures all over the globe were aware of and practiced rituals involving the consumption of human blood.

Animal and human sacrifice has always been used to ostensibly appease worshipped gods and deities. Though animal sacrifice has historically been far more common, right up to today ritualistic ceremonies involving draining and drinking youth blood, sacrificing babies, children or other humans at the altar, even resorting to cannibalism, have all been standard fare amongst a number of civilizations over lots of centuries. But aside from appealing to the gods to win a war or reap a bountiful harvest, these dark, barbaric practices were also rooted in the enduring belief that children’s flesh and blood rejuvenate and empower those who partake, keeping them young, strong and powerful. Supported by recent revelations of modern science, the ancient practice of raping and butchering children in ritualistic satanic sacrifice on an unprecedented globalized scale today renders its full exposure to stop this evil all the more urgent. We must seek justice now for all the children through the ages who’ve been so heinously victimized by the most powerful, most evil murderers in human history.

First the Jewish Caveat:

Revisionist Jews from intelligentsia, politics and religion have willfully hijacked and falsified history, starting with the gross exaggeration of holocaust fatalities dying in Nazi concentration camps in order to forge an unlimited sympathy-guilt factor that firstly secured the Jewish State three years after WWII by an enforced theft acquisition of Palestinian land right up to this day. Zionists have deployed that same victim card as their bogus excuse to aggressively push their Greater Israel Project to expand its borders, start wars, kill Muslims, divide and conquer the Middle East, the US and the world, as well as steal nuclear secrets and material from the US, secretly build up a menacing nuclear weapons arsenal and threaten to annihilate enemies and allies alike with the Sampson Option, and continue collecting almost $4 billion a year in military aid from financially strapped US taxpayers tired of paying for war, as US Empire still fights Israel’s expansionist wars and lending complicit free pass approval to apartheid’s ongoing brutally relentless genocidal crimes against Palestinian Arabs. All this apparent power and control over America begs the answer to the question why? Is America being blackmailed?

But there’s more. All the while, the entire world has been prohibited from addressing this dark ugly reality or even registering criticism against the Jewish State for all its unpunished crimes without being charged with an anti-Semitic hate crime. By deploying AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and B’nai B’rith around the world as weaponized truth silencers and libel assaults, regularly engaging in character assassination, harassment, blackmail, bribery and constant anti-Semitic name-calling against anyone brave enough to violate the PC muzzle by simply mentioning the murderous pink elephant in the room, the truth about Israel’s 7 decade long criminality rarely gets spoken these days, much less ever consequenced. Through the bribery power of Rothschild-Rockefeller wealth, weaponized against any political candidate unwilling to be bought, sold and owned by Israel, the US continues to subserviently carry out the psychopathic bidding of Zionist overlords of global chaos, control and destruction.

Israel getting away with the murder of 34 American sailors and injuring 174 more aboard the USS Liberty in 1967, only to be covered up by LBJ, and then little more than three decades later, co-conspiring with more US traitors – the Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld neocons – in the 9/11 slaughter of 3,000 more Americans, it’s finally time for the Satanist worshipping globalists inside the international crime cabal governments of Israel, the US and EU to finally pay for their countless, unforgiveable crimes against humanity, starting with the pedophile empire waging war for centuries against our planet’s innocent children. Tragically, the most visible victim of holocaust has become among the most blatant offenders today. Let’s face it, Israel and the Zionists have been getting away with unspeakable sins for way too long. Telling the truth automatically targets anyone for wrongful anti-Semitic accusations, but tiptoeing around and staying silent, fearing recrimination only encourages more aggression and criminal violence from the perpetrating usual suspect.

That said, it should go without saying that criticism against Israel or specific Jews, past or present, in no way should vilify all Jews. Obviously it’s inexcusable to make gross generalizations about any group. Many Jewish people oppose apartheid and do not agree with their government. In the same way that the 30 million dead in this world since WWII come at the hands of US Empire aggression doesn’t mean that the American people pulled the trigger or had anything to do with it. They and Jews should not be blamed and hated for the sins of their governments. The bankers, military industrial complex, the CFR, presidents, warmongering Congress members and US military are the culprits. Americans do not want war. No nation’s people really want war. Yet through controlled corporate media propaganda, the elite has ensured that war is seemingly endless and unavoidable. Again, we the people must hold the planetary controllers who plot and wage war fully accountable. And it is with this aim that this article has been written.

Additionally, it bears mentioning that for millenniums the people of Jewish faith as well as people from the Jewish diaspora have been historic victims of inhumane persecution by others, often Christians. The Black Plague in Europe spawned a horrific blame game by ignorant Dark Age Christians that some believe mark the precursor to Hitler’s genocidal crimes centuries later against Jews and other targeted groups. Anti-Semitism and racism still remain a human curse, and can never be justified. But the notion “once a victim, always a victim” does not grant carte blanche license to punish critics who speak truth citing very confirmed Israeli/Jewish transgressions. What’s done in history is done. But sadly, we humans fail to learn lessons and appear to keep repeating the same fatal mistakes without end. Seeking to acknowledge the truth, however horrific, is neither anti-Semitic nor racist.

This next section addresses a little known abhorrent chapter in Jewish history, exposing incidents involving bloodthirsty religious fanatics, engaging in ritualistic human sacrifice.

Ritualized Jewish Blood Sacrifice (from Middle Ages – 21st Century)

Again, the Jews are not alone in human sacrifice. Over the centuries many cultures have been guilty of this shameful practice. Based on recently uncovered evidence, ancient Greece may be the latest civilization that conducted child sacrifice. A teenage boy’s remains were found last August in an identified location reserved for animal sacrifice to Zeus. Other known ancient cultures that regressed into sacrificing fellow humans are the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Carthaginians, the Etruscans (from Italy’s Tuscany region), the Celts, the Chinese, Hawaiians, Aztecs and the Incas. Today it’s still practiced in places like India and Africa where children’s purity and innocence are believed to make sacrifices all the more potent. Coming full circle, this examination focuses primarily on evidence that satanic sacrifice of children currently being practiced by cults and secret societies in Europe and North America, hidden in plain sight with global child sex trafficking rings, it’s likely being practiced all over the world. Its history reminds us only that it’s never stopped.

The Jews’ ancient forebears, the Israelites, burnt children alive at the altar of Moloch. From the Old Testament comes the Israelite warrior Jephthah who proclaims if granted victory over his enemy, he’ll sacrifice the first “whatsoever” that comes from his house to greet him upon his return. It just so happened to be his virgin daughter and unlike with Abraham, this time God didn’t intercede and the Semitic child was sacrificed around 1125 BC. The Old Testament fails to mention exactly how she was sacrificed. But according to prescribed methods for animal sacrifice, Jephthah or the temple priest would slit the daughter’s throat, drain her blood, cut off her arms, legs and head, cut up her torso in sections while smearing blood around the altar and burning her flesh… pretty gruesome. Additionally, several other Jewish kings in the Old Testament sacrificed their children burning them alive. Jews in Carthage in 300 BC who worshipped Baal were also offing their kids. The practice of abducting a non-Jewish stranger, bringing him to their Jerusalem temple, cutting his body up and sacrificing a gentile every seven years was first documented by Greek philosophers and historians Apion and Damocritus in 168 BC, well over a century before Christ.

Since the Middle Ages in Europe, traditionally at times of Passover, celebrating Israelites freedom from slavery in Egypt, most frequently led by local rabbis, there have been Jews who have periodically abducted and ritualistically murdered Christian children. There are literally hundreds of documented cases. In Prague in 1067 six Jews killed a three year old child, puncturing his body to drain his blood that was then given away to other Jews in another city. Less than 80 years after King William Norman first brought Jews to Great Britain in 1066, in 1144 in Norwich Jews apprehended their first Christian child there named William and crucified him on the eve of the Passover ritual in symbolic replication of killing the king of the Christians. But the child’s relative was educated monk Thomas of Monmouth who wrote a book about his murdered relative in an effort to alert parents. In 1290 in Oxford another Jew was caught after a ritual murder of a gentile, resulting a month later in England banning all Jews for the next four centuries. Spain later followed banishing all its Jews from its borders in 1492.

Though early on Jews were generally brought into Western Europe as the kings’ tax collectors and considered monarchy property, legally well-represented by the best attorneys money could buy, the Jewish child murderers were rarely found innocent. The deniers are quick to claim that the Jews found guilty were tortured into confessing their crimes. But by law at a later time given the opportunity to recant when not under duress, most didn’t, often going to their execution still boasting about what they’d done, proudly viewing themselves as loyal martyrs for their Jewish faith, rather than feeling remorse or upset over being falsely accused.

Jews accused and brought to trial for murder and found guilty repeated the same ritualistic crime, sequentially circumcising their child victims, then systematically torturing and crucifying them to drain their blood used in Passover rites ceremony. The Christian blood was as an ingredient mixed with wine for Passover unleavened bread. Blood was also used in healing potions as well as for cabbalist curses. Rabbis were always present in these murders to ensure the extracted blood and flesh were kosher which permitted it to be bottled and sold as a black market commodity, not unlike today’s Israelis as the prime movers in control of the international human organ trafficking operations.

The most infamous of these ritualized cases in Europe occurred in Trent, northern Italy in 1475. The murdered boy was Simon of Trent who until a few years ago was a celebrated saint until the Vatican succumbed to the Jewish thought control PC police. Over twenty of these Jewish murdered children were made into saints. Based on historic court records and two sets of SOP confessions by the accused Germanic speaking Jews, a scholarly review written by Ariel Taoff analyzing all available evidence concludes that Simon was murdered on the Passover eve that year for the expressed purpose of religious ritual sacrifice.

Yet the term “blood libel” is the customary Jewish practice and automatic response that flatly denies that any of these crimes ever once took place, despite even Jewish historians and scholars admitting that these atrocities did in fact occur. One such brave critic is respected writer-journalist Israel Shamir who astutely makes the valid point that as a matter of state policy, more innocent Palestinian children have been brutally murdered by Jews in recent years than the sum total of all Christian victims since the Middle Ages. If given the fact that Jews in cold blood have been methodically murdering non-Jews en masse in recent years, why is it so hard to believe that Jewish extremists over many centuries targeted and killed less children for being non-Jews? Being a persecuted European minority steeped in rigid Talmudic tradition that degrades non-Jews to lowly animal status, the underlying psychological and historic dynamics are sufficient to provide motive for the crimes. University of Jerusalem Professor Ehak Spinzak stated that Talmudic extremists “believe that it’s God’s will to commit violence against goyim” (gentiles). Wholesale denial that ritual murders of Christian children never took place, chalking it up to the tiresome “anti-Semitic” catch-all label cannot dismiss away the mountain of evidence.

Talmudic Judaism and Cabbalism Meld into NWO Satanic Practice

The Pharisees were the Jews in charge of the temples at the time of Jesus Christ’s ministry who also wrote Talmudic Law. Seeing how the Jewish leaders were money changers exploiting their own people with usury and corruption, Jesus actually threw a tizzy fit inside their not so holy temple, upending coffers and tables, rightfully calling it a “a robber’s den,” and the “synagogue of Satan.” It wasn’t until this dramatic clash that Jesus the insurrectionist posed such a threat to the corrupt authorities that ultimately his fate was sealed. With the Federal Reserve the private central banks run largely by Jews getting richer by printing fiat money out of thin air to charge interest and collect taxes to pay back interests on nonstop US wars, now $20 trillion in the red, our debtor nation and haplessly bled citizens are still usury slaves. Sadly in 2000 years, times have not changed at all, and, with humanity on the brink of total self-destruction, times have only grown worse.

Between the third and sixth centuries, “learned” rabbis recorded in Hebrew their oral teachings and laws they claim were handed down by to them Moses, calling their finished product the Talmud, the holy book for people of the Jewish faith that supersedes the Old Testament. Yet the Talmud is extremely hateful and racist, touting blatant Jewish supremacism. Direct quotes from the Talmud readily tell the story. Jews are ordered to view non-Jews as animals (Yebamoth 98a) and beasts (Baba Mezia 114b). Even the best of the “goyim” should be killed (Soferim 15). Talmudic law encourages Jews to deceive gentiles, any way to take advantage for a Jew’s self-gain at non-Jews’ expense, even resorting to murder and committing adultery if it can be rationalized as best for the nation of Israel.

Moreover, the Torah, considered Jewish Written Law, apparently embraces pedophilia:

If a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than three years old is like putting a finger in the eye (Ketubot 11b).

… Intercourse with a boy under nine years old is not considered a significant sexual act… (Ketubot 11b).

A decade ago when Israeli soldiers were on another bloodbath killing spree against Palestinians in Gaza, Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu wrote a letter to the prime minister advocating indiscriminate murder of civilian women and children. Unfortunately far too many in the Knesset agree and the ethnic purging as official apartheid policy has been allowed to drag on year after bloody year with total impunity… despite a growing consensus of disapproval from other nations that never amounts to any real consequence to Israel. Another prominent rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual advisor to the Shas, a religious fundamentalist party and chief coalition partner in the Israeli government, echoed the Talmud dogma, claiming “the sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews.”

Perhaps the most raw, unadulterated account by one brutally honest, reprehensible Jewish American who four decades ago braggingly exposed the ultimate power and arrogance that the Jewish elite aka mafia wields in America through complete control over the media, banking, entertainment, academia and political bribery business disclosed in one 1976 interview with a 29-year old congressional aide of then New York Senator Jacob Javits. Harold Rosenthal’s gleeful, boastful pride, bitter contempt and hatred toward non-Jews for their dupability and sheer ignorance permeates his every scathing utterance. Essentially Rosenthal admits that his “chosen people” riding atop the global power pyramid answer to only one god – Lucifer. Because he reveals far more in-depth truth than his fellow chosen brethren care to have on public record, several months later Rosenthal met an abrupt end as a suspected murder victim of a Mossad hit job thinly veiled as an attempted Israeli airliner hijacking.

Three weeks after Israel and the neocons with a little help from their Saudi friends pulled off the greatest false flag in history, boldly out in the open was former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2001 when he arrogantly declared:

We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know.

And just to show how preferential the US is to Israel, the elite think tank responsible for all US wars in the last century – the Council on Foreign Relations, requires every member to be an American citizen except two, current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

The Talmudic tradition is Judaic law and Cabbalism is hidden Jewish mysticism practiced for millenniums and forwarded into modernity by the Ashkenazi Jews of central and western Russia and Eastern Europe [and now Israel], also known as the Khazars. This form of Judaism dates directly back to the warlike Babylonian ruler Nimrod (later renamed Marduk) and his Temple of Baal (meaning “lord”) located in the presently recaptured Syrian city Palmyra where a couple years ago ISIS destroyed the 2,000 year old Temple of Baal or Bel (as well as ancient Roman ruins).

The Babylonian deity Baal subsequently evolved into the Greek deity Osiris, representing the birth of ancient pre-Christian pagan religions in the Middle East and Greece. And each of these deities unmistakably shares underpinnings of the fallen angel Satan. An estimated 97.5% of today’s Jewish State population claiming to be of Hebrew descent, are actually Ashkenazi Jews descended from the Turkish-Mongol Khazars, reclaiming their “roots” in the Jewish homeland, all share ancestors who never once set foot in the Holy Land of the Middle East. In fact, the DNA of the native Palestinians being exterminated are the true Semites. So much of the Jewish story as part of the greater human story is built on lies, cover-ups and hoax. A growing number of researchers and analysts have referred to the Khazarian mafia running the international crime cabal that’s used interchangeably with the Satanic Cult of the All Seeing Eye. A mix of some evil non-Jews and some evil Jews working together for Satan are in the process of culling the human herd down from 7.5 billion of us presently to just a half billion shortly. That puts 14 out 15 of us in their eugenics crosshairs.

A year ago in New York City and later London (and in “1000 other cities” to come) a near five story high replication of the famous Baal arch was constructed as part of the Rockefeller created United Nations UNESCO’s World Heritage site, also supported by the financially endowed Harvard University Masonic Lodge. The Baal arch as the temple gateway served as a portal to the worshipping altar of the pagan god that many today believe represents Satan. Paganism as practiced by a plethora of ancient cultures has been defined as a religious system based on the worship of the fallen angels.

After constructed exhibitions in New York and London, for the third time the Babylonian archway was once again on full prominent display two months ago for the opening of the fifth annual World Government Summit held in Dubai, attended by 4000 world leaders from 130 nations. Among the notable globalists paying homage to the satanic fallen angel was UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, IMF Director Christine Lagarde (two months earlier awarded another 5-year term as IMF head despite avoiding a year in prison for her conviction approving a large taxpayer payoff to a bogus French billionaire’s claim), and Elon Musk who in Dubai was busily advocating the merger between humans and machines and touting globalist socialism. Sovereign nation destroyer Obama attended the first of these NWO conferences back in 2013. For three days in mid-February 100 speakers pontificated their one world “utopian” government and their elitist design to promote globalism, multiculturalism, statism, Big Government, social engineering, and UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 sustainability. At these NWO kumbayas like this one, the Bilderberg meetings and Bohemian Grove soirees, the elite’s busily plotting our demise right before our eyes.

Judaism’s “Dirty” Stepchild: 17th – 18th Century Sabbatean-Frankist Movement

There exists a little known sub-branch of Judaism that the Orthodoxy would prefer to bury in its revisionist, subversively repackaged design on human history. The Jewish establishment of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries declared the renegade Sabbatean-turned-Frankist movement heresy in back-to-back centuries in order to formally distance itself from the then flourishing, “embarrassing” Jewish offshoots taking hold. Though the movement’s followers were supposed to have died out shortly after the deaths of their messianic leaders Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791), their ideology, values, beliefs and practices sure didn’t, and today they very much remain alive and thriving. Our upside down Orwellian world is presently living in an age of deceit, where so called good is actually evil and lies are broadcast as truth. Now posing as the satanic Cult of the All-seeing Eye, its demonic influence is visible everywhere in today’s world through gradual successful infiltration in recent centuries into all domains of earthly power and control.

Sabbatai Zevi was of Spanish Jewish descent originally from Smyrna, Greece until banned as a false prophet from his hometown at age 25. Zevi promptly found a new residence in nearby Salonika, rapidly rising to prominence there as an ordained Sephardic rabbi and kabbalist claiming to a receptive audience that he was the long awaited Jewish Messiah. Sabbatai Zevi generated a devout following that was most active within the Ottoman Empire of modern day Turkey, although his reach spread quickly into Europe.

At the height of his fame and influence at age 40, ten years prior to his death, the Sultan Mehmed IV gave the imprisoned Zevi the choice, die or convert to Islam. So the charismatic con man chose to avoid martyrdom by saving his own neck as a Muslim in name only. The sultan then bestowed the title “Keeper of the Gate” on Zevi who began a close working relationship with the Shia Bektashi Sufis. According to renowned researcher and author Gershom Scholem, the Sabbatean movement was “the largest and most momentous messianic movement in Jewish History,” captivating over half the world’s Jewry at the time. But on the low, Sabbatai continued practicing his own heretic guru-esque style of hedonistic, orgiastic ritualized, “feel good” Judaism.

The year that a Jew named Columbus “discovered” a New World to conquer and colonize for the flag he sailed under – Spain in 1492, was also the same year and nation that kicked out all its Jews. The subsequent Jewish migration to Ottoman territory that opened its borders to the newcomers, brought a large influx of Jewish immigrants to where Sabbatai Zevi’s family settled. The prevailing culture and climate a century and a half later that Zevi was born and raised in was steeped in religious oppression and “end of the world” anxiety for Jews. When in 1648 Sabbatai’s doomsday prediction failed, he declared himself the new messiah.

His radical departure from run-of-the-mill Judaic stoicism, promising not only redemption but an alternative lifestyle of secret magic bestowing wisdom and power, the gift of prophecy, direct communication with God (Zevi himself) and his angels, and a sensual smorgasbord of unbridled sexual liberation and carnal ecstasy. Sabbateanism “freed up” humans from their inescapable trap of sin-based, guilt-ridden fear and dread of God’s moral judgment and eternal wrath. Zevi preached that as imperfect beings, the way to the divine is following the path of sinful bliss (i.e., doing the opposite of what is “good” and “righteous”). By 1666, the year the Satan worshipper became a closeted Jew in Muslim clothing also was his second bust at predicting the end of the world. But just the same, his hedonistic brand of religion caught on bigtime, spreading through both Europe and the Near East.

Unlike the highly chauvinistic rabbinic Judaism that prohibited women from attaining positions of public stature and religious or state authority, Sabbatai’s runaway rebellious sect embraced women for full membership and active enlistment in its messianic prophetic ranks, which back in the 16 and 1700’s was unheard of, greatly adding to its popularity and appeal. Because Zevi’s widespread influence and messianic message extended beyond Turkey and Greece to Eastern Europe especially, his hardcore Sabbatean adherents lasted well into the 19th century, though his diehard faithful gradually dwindled in numbers after his death. Many of his followers also converted with him in name only to Islam (known as   Dönmeh), others returned to conventional rabbinic Judaism. But Sabbatai’s particular brand of anti-Talmudic religion amassed quite an appeal for its time, formally rejecting normative Jewish law, openly embracing Cabbalistic mysticism with messianic fervor of redemption that many Jews avidly sought through his unorthodox, radicalized approach to Judaism.

But within a few short decades in the vacuum created by his death, the prominence of Sabbateanism was to be resurrected and given new, even more invigorated life by another charismatic messianic Jewish con man named Jacob Frank, who boldly sold himself as not only the reincarnate of Sabbatai Zevi but the biblical patriarch Jacob as well. Hailing from Podolia, Poland (now in Ukraine), Jakub Lejbowicz may have been the son of a rabbi and a Zevi devotee, even as a young boy in Poland rejecting the Talmud, and later priding himself on being an “untutored man.” As a traveling merchant, Jacob Frank lived a good part of his young adult life in Turkey amongst a Sabbatean stronghold where his Polish-Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity had the Turkish locals calling him Frank, a name that Jacob willingly allowed to stick. It was at this time that he is believed to have also converted, like his predecessor before him, to Islam Sabbatean-style.

Frank was everything Zevi was, except he took evil up a notch or two, preaching, “Since we can’t all be saints, let’s all be sinners.” He was a master at reverse psychology, claiming the best way to imitate God, is to violate every conceivable boundary and taboo under the sun. Ritualized orgy-fests featuring wife swapping, incest and pedophilia were his commandments. Sabbatean-Frankists practiced witchcraft and animal as well as human sacrifices.

At age 29 he returned to Poland where he gathered quite a following of Sabbateans. The ambitious upstart openly defied all traditional Jewish law, proclaiming himself part of the holy trinity, posing a direct threat to local conservative Talmudic rabbis who sought to have him and his followers excommunicated. Frank contacted the Roman Catholic bishop that presided over all religions in Poland, calling for a disputation where the anti-Talmudist leader presented his case as a believer in Jewish Zohar cabbalism that doesn’t conflict with the Christian holy trinity doctrine. The bishop ruled in Frank’s favor, ordering the burning of all copies of the Talmud in Poland. But a year later, the bishop died and without his ally, the outraged rabbis persecuted Frank and his tribe with a vengeance, despite Frank obtaining an edict issued by Poland’s Augustus III protecting his growing Sabbatean clan.

In dramatic response to his stiff rabbinic opposition, Jacob Frank declared himself the direct successor of Sabbatai Zevi, assuring his burgeoning flock that he was receiving his revelations straight from heaven. In line with Frank’s political strategy to align himself behind the power of the Roman Catholic Church as a defensive buffer against his Jewish establishment enemy and avoid the gallows, he arranged a second disputation with the rabbis again under the auspices of the Catholic Church. But by that time the Christian arbiters had become suspicious of the antinomian Frankist movement and its purported reputation promoting adultery, incest and pedophilia. Frank had always gone out of his way to be publicly crude and brash, often boasting of his sexual prowess and debauchery. It appeared his sexual self-aggrandizing had finally caught up with him.

The skeptical Church authorities required more concrete evidence beyond just words that Frank and his devotees were righteously motivated for conversion to Catholicism. So to curry favor, the renegade zealot ordered mass baptism and in 1759 he and 500 Frankist Jews were baptized. This shrewd move facilitated Polish nobility to becoming his and his baptized converts’ godparents, with Augustus himself agreeing to be Frank’s godfather. Over the next three decades in Poland, the Frankists swayed close to 30,000 Jews to become baptized Christians.

Despite the official holy water bath, the Catholic Church remained unconvinced of Frank’s “spiritual” sincerity due to his strange doctrines, promiscuous deviance and rumored religious orgies, and in 1760 Jacob Frank was arrested for heresy and imprisoned at a monastery for the next thirteen years. However, becoming a jailed martyr only helped his diabolical cause, for his popularity only grew and the satanic infiltration of the Catholic Church and European royalty was underway and taking root.

The wide phenomenon of the “crypto Jews” (from Greek word “kryptos” meaning hidden) whereby Jews posing as religious converts, especially during the reformation and renaissance period of the 15th-17thcenturies, infiltrate other religions (i.e., the Sabbateans to Islam and Frankists to Christianity), yet secretly retain their hidden Jewish identity and religious doctrine; also co-related is the Jewish propensity of frequent name changing (albeit partly due to avoiding anti-Semitic persecution). But the demonic subversion of secret societies permeating top echelons of global power across the diaspora in finance, government, big business, mass media, communication arts and academia by both crypto Jews and Jewish globalists alike cannot be denied.

Returning to the dangerous Satanist and false messiah Jacob Frank, he saw himself above all previous religious patriarchs, including his own inspiration Sabbatai Zevi, faulting them for their unsuccessful search for God, much less their shortcoming for failing to actually be God. In Frank’s warped world, all laws supporting the existing order had to be abolished. Frank’s perverse thinking was that nothing short of overthrowing and destroying society could possibly save humankind. Only anarchy and revolutionary destruction of every religion and positive belief system would clear the deck for rebuilding life cast in Luciferian “light.” He believed the religious baton had passed from Judaism to Islam and now it was his turn for his “true believers” to outwardly turn to Catholicism while secretly worshipping him as the true messiah and living God.

Invading Russians eventually freed Frank from prison in 1773, the same year the Satanist Frank met with fellow Satanists – Jesuit trained Adam Weishaupt and banker gangster Meyer Amschel Rothschild, of the Khazarian-descended, wealthiest Jewish family in the world. Funding would flow to both Weishaupt and Frank once Weishaupt agreed to accept Frankist doctrine and the satanic grand plan was thus launched by the unholiest trinity ever. Three years later in Bavaria Weishaupt would formally resurrect the ancient Order of Illuminati that on May 1stwill be 241 years old. The three conspired to secretly and methodically take over the world by subterfuge, deception and devilry. Chief financier would be Europe’s wealthiest family, corrupter and infiltrator of Freemasonry, the Catholic Church and governments would be the Illuminati Weishaupt and Frank would continue subverting and conquering the big three religions as well as the political domain.

Jacob Frank lived out the last 18 years of his life in opulent luxury, the last few years in a castle in the German city of Offenbach just south of Frankfurt, the benefactor of Frankfurt resident Rothschild, plus crown support from royal courts of Poland, Russia and Austria, as well as his thousands of loyal followers. Frank took the title Baron, whether legitimately given him by Austrian archduchess and Queen Maria Theresa or not. Gradually Frank’s daughter Eva took over his powerful sect as “holy mistress,” although she too lived above her means and with her wealth drying up after the Napoleonic Wars, she died in 1816.

But the poisonous die had been cast. The Frankist Cabbalistic secrets were combined with the philosophical ideals of Enlightenment to lay fertile groundwork for conflict, revolution and bloodshed. Frankist infiltrators populated the Hapsburg administration. The Freemasons, Illuminati and Frankists were secret allies in movement through European aristocracy and nobility. Intermarriage amongst prominent families consolidated power. Frank’s nephew Moses Dobruschka changed his name and entered Hapsburg society as a Freemason. As the Satanists collectively wheeled and dealed, faithful to their mission to create chaos out of sin, massive revolt, conflict and world upheaval followed. Rothschild-Frankist-Freemason-Jesuit members were actively behind the American and French Revolutions, Marxism, Zionism, the Bolshevik Revolution, pro-incest Frankist Freud, and the archduke assassination triggering WWI. Since virtually every war has been ignited by a conspired false flag event, involving secret satanic societies, it would be a safe bet that the Frankist-Freemason-Illuminati-Jesuit-Rothschild nexus is the All-seeing Eye mastermind.

Slowly but surely over the next couple centuries, their secret plan and vision has come to near full fruition. With Frankist Satanist and other secret society plants saturated in the world of politics, big business, finance, media and entertainment, they’re now vying for full implementation of their New World Order, complete with one world government, one world religion and one world army, just a world war and collapsed world economy away.

Many Jewish scholars and writers that only learned of Zevi and Frank from recent books about their life and movement are quick to discard these two messianic cult leaders because, from their Jewish perspective, each converted to an “enemy” religious camp and thus are viewed as irrelevant footnotes, “black sheep” heretic losers leaving an unwanted, shameful stain on Jewish history. What these armchair critics dismissively fail to realize is that Zevi and Frank’s “anything goes because I’m your [satanic] god” ideology and subversive perversion that has co-opted and infiltrated not only three major religions but Freemasonry, and the elite’s power structure is the embodiment of the Illuminati Satanist cult that controls virtually everything on earth. So writing these two guys off as forgotten nobody’s proves only that ignorance is anything but bliss.

The Rothschilds financed the Sabbatean-Frankist movement and, along with a dozen other family bloodlines, are the New World Order’s gold card members atop Satan’s private club, controlling all Western governments (and a lesser extent Eastern ones as well) and the entire Western criminal financial enslavement system that’s ready to crash, global child sex trafficking and human organ trafficking networks worldwide, the globalized mass media empire’s demonic mind control brainwashing as well as the globalized war machine currently plunging humanity into World War III. So it’s more than foolish to underestimate the powerful impact that these two so called “footnotes” have had on human history.

Talmudic Heresy Traditions Converge with Freemasonry to Deliver Luciferian Bloodlust of Pedophile Sex Rings

Turning to Zevi and Frank’s indispensable NWO ally, the Freemasons’ own encyclopedia makes perfectly clear who the Masons worship:

The promise of life is Osiris. The great doctrine, the great revelation of all the true Mysteries, is that Osiris lives: but he is known by other names. We also, as Masons, look forward to union… with Osiris… To be united with him forever.

Perhaps the most infamous of the Freemasons – Albert Pike, once said, “Masonry is identical to the ancient Mysteries.” Pike also reveals the plain truth that the light of his lord is not God but Lucifer himself:

Lucifer, the Light-bearer!  Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!  Lucifer, the Son of the Morning!  Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls?  Doubt it not!

So the light that every Masonic initiate seeks in actuality is Luciferian darkness. The constant theme by which all these pagan satanic cults operate is through deceit, twisting and inversing everything to obscure truth. Its presence in today’s Orwellian doublespeak world is in our face at every turn.

As Egyptian pagan god Luciferian worshippers, the Masonic Lodge is also obviously a pagan religion, incorporating all the Luciferian and cabbalistic rituals, doctrines, symbols and occult philosophies rooted in secret Egyptian deity worship. The most well-known Masonic symbol – the square and compass, prominently displayed on Masonic lodges and temples around the world, is strikingly similar to the highest symbol of the occult, the Jewish six pointed hexagram star found on both Israel’s national flag and virtually every Jewish synagogue. As if that’s not glaring enough, the Jewish six-pointed star is also called the Star of Moloch, the satanic god by which children are sacrificed, the same god Hillary’s staff references in an email.

Like the sexual imagery on full display in Egyptian pagan worship and ancient Jewish mythology, Freemasonry is also flooded with phallic imagery in both the obelisk architecture as well as Masonic hexagrams and triangles. And the finishing piece to this satanic hexagram story is that the only reason it’s on the Israeli flag and has come to symbolize Jews is because Mayer Amschel Bauer centuries ago decided to change his name to Rothschild and post the hexagram outside his door, later making it his family coat of arms. Why would Jews choose as their national flag anything even remotely to do with a satanic god that sacrifices children? In keeping with the Frankist chaos and conflict mantra, the Rothschilds, the Zionist founders and the Rockefeller funded United Nations spearheading the birth of the Jewish State in 1948 were no real friends to the Jews. Their loyalty lies much closer to Satan.

The Old Testament refers to the Canaan god Moloch, but other ancient cultures like the Israelites and Egyptians also worshipped Moloch and practiced child sacrifice, and today it’s still being worshipped and practiced through secret occult societies and religious sects like Freemasonry, Sabbatean-Frankism, Illuminati and the Jesuit Order that all share the same fallen angel Lucifer. Such close parallels between Masonry, Talmudic Judaism and Sabbatean-Frankism as offshoots from the same source, the pagan Egyptian Star deity that shares the same secret occult ties as Skull and Bones and the Illuminati all have one thing in common – they all worship Lucifer and answer to Satan.

Freemasonry and the Jewish State bearing direct homage to Egyptian pagan roots also manifest through shared statues, motifs, art and architecture. Hebrew University and Israel’s Supreme Court building both feature the Egyptian obelisks and Masonic design. Another illustrative example is the Masonic memorial that includes a large Egyptian pyramid showcased on a boulevard in the city of Eilat, Israel. Finally, the founder of the modern Illuminati order and Freemason dabbler and infiltrator Adam Weishaupt was bankrolled in the late 1700’s by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and much of the occultic Egyptian and Masonic-themed architecture and motifs located throughout Israel and springing up across the planet today, all by satanic design, have been funded by that wealthiest Jewish banker family synonymous with New World Order Satanism. A look at the physical layout of America’s own capital city Washington DC is also rife with Freemasonic Luciferian symbols.

Pretty much all the top level Masons who have ever written about their secret organization and its history, near unanimously praise Lucifer. Biblically speaking, Lucifer and Satan represent the same fallen angel that Freemasons, Frankists, Illuminati, Jesuits, all worship as their god, in contrast relegating Jesus to “inferior god,” “just another man” status. As we explore Freemasonry and its worship of Lucifer, it’s important to distinguish between the highest levels that do worship Lucifer and Satan (and the 33 degree Masons that run the world), and the vast majority of lower degree Masons who do not worship Satan nor run the world. Lower degree Masons simply don’t have access to the sinister truth of their superiors. Again, there are many good Masons like there are many good Jews just like there are good lower level FBI and CIA agents. It’s the ones at the top that are the evildoers.

Understanding Freemasonry symbols and examining Masons’ writings, it becomes more than clear that they do in fact worship Satan. Albert Churchward, another Masonic writer, points out that the common Masonic symbol of the triangle with the upward pointed apex represents Set, Osiris’ Egyptian pagan god brother as well as one of the infernal names for Satan. This same satanic triangle on the back of every single US dollar bill, the larger pyramid triangle just below the smaller all-seeing eye triangle is also the earthly triangle symbolizing what 33 degree Masonic author George Steinmetz calls “the perfect or divine man.”

Another singular thread through all these pagan religions maintains that human mortals in these secret clubs that bestow power can become God. Well known twentieth century author-mystic and 33 degree Mason Manly P. Hall wrote, “Man is a God in the making…” Yet another Masonic writer Joseph Fort Newton proclaims, “… to the profoundest insight of the human soul – that God becomes man that man may become God.” So the Masonic allegiance is to the pagan Egyptian god Osiris that’s synonymous with the Lucifer/Satan god, certainly not the monotheistic one God worshipped by every major religion – like the Christians, Torah worshipping Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Shintoists and on and on.

Like the six-pointed star as a central iconic symbol, the 5-pointed pentagram star is yet another significant link that Freemasonry shares with Satan. The Masons use two 5-pointed stars – the one with just one point upward representing the “good” Lucifer and the star with the two-points upward the “evil” Satan. All it takes is a 33 degree clockwise or counterclockwise turn to shift the good one-point star into the evil satanic two pointed pentagram. And with the 33 degree Masons so actively bent on destroying our world, there’s no coincidence in their symbols.

Touching on the history of Freemasonry, the oldest Masonic lodge dating back to 1599 is located in Edinburgh, Scotland, complete with its 6-pointed star etched into sandstone above its entrance. Stonemason guilds existed in Scotland and England during the Middle Ages, but the oldest meeting minutes still existing come from Scottish lodges in 1599. The official Grand Lodge of England began in London in 1717, which is the date formally credited for Freemasonry’s founding.

The famous 1782 Congress of Wilhelmsbad held at Meyer Amschel Rothschild’s German castle was a who’s who amongst Satanists because, per Rothschild’s edict, it invited all the secret organizations in Europe numbering 3 million members together for the first time. Wilhelmsbad also marked the first occasion where Jews were admitted as Masonic Lodge members per the Rothschild-Frank-Weishaupt contract drawn several years earlier. After the 1782 conference the Illuminati dominated Freemasonry as it was no longer seen as a competitor but a conjoined secret partner forging the same sinister schemes. Weishaupt set about using his Illuminati and Jesuit Order to control the Vatican. Assassinations of the king of France and emperor of Austria were voted on and planned. In March 1792 a Masonic Jew killed the Austrian emperor. That same month Sweden’s king also went down.

Many of America’s founding fathers were Masons, including George Washington, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, James Monroe and Chief Justice John Marshall. This list of great Americans speaks to life’s complexity that one may belong to an evil organization yet still be good. Indeed one third of the US presidents and many of the top European leaders have been high degree masons. Back in December 2011 the EU and Freemason honchos got together to plot Europe’s future. No doubt an NWO favorite – multiculturalism – and the mass migration debacle to come, designed to destroy the continent, must have been high on their agenda. The Freemasonry organization currently boasts over 6 million members worldwide.

Political instability through subversive cloak and daggery plotting wars, murders, overthrows, blackmails, betrayals, all perpetrated by Satanists, have been plaguing this planet for eons of time. Regardless which particular brand of Satanism is practiced, the Talmudic, Cabbalistic or Sabbatean-Frankist Jewry, Freemason or Jesuit, Skull and Bones or Illuminati, CFR or Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger or Rome of 300, all are fast track avenues to the top of the psychopathic food chain, where debauchery like pedophilia and incest is the norm, their common denominator being Satan.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers and their ilk preside over Satan’s secret societies. A few photos from a 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball are quite revealing. Another fitting gesture is eyewitnesses that have dined at the Rothschild family estate in England insist that a place at the dinner table is ritualistically and faithfully set for their favorite invited guest and god Satan. Initiates of all the satanic organizations whose members are running the world amok have all taken oaths swearing to never divulge the truth behind their evil deeds and secrets. Those who’ve gone public or exposed the diabolical truth risk death.

With Satanists reigning full control over all earthly affairs, incisive author and observer Henry Makow succinctly sizes up our present predicament:

Society is totally subverted. Government, education, entertainment and the news media, think tanks, foundations, NGO’s, professional associations and major charities are totally in the hands of the central banking cartel. Intelligence agencies report to the central bankers. They and Masonic secret societies are a central part of the mechanism of control. Society is helpless to address its real problem: the untenable concentration of wealth, power and cultural influence in the hands of Cabbala-believing bankers secretly intent on culling or enslaving us. Mankind is being put into a coma based on sex and money. The last thing the bankers want to do is awaken the cattle from their slumber.

Today’s Satanic Bloodlust: Ritualized Rape, Torture and Murder Involving Blood-Drinking, Flesh-Eating Elitist Pedophiles

As an extension from ancient times, the folklore legend of vampires in Romania and Bulgaria that author Bram Stoker made famous in Dracula (based on the real life of Vlad the Impaler) stems from sucking the blood of young victims as the elixir to eternal life. In recent years Hollywood’s romanticized obsession over vampirism and zombies is no accident, methodically promoting a glorified image of consuming human blood as the lifeblood sustenance that leads to eternal life. To notable extent in the same way mainstream media has overtly attempted to normalize pedophilia, aided by popular culture, vampirism has also been casually presented as if it’s a mere life choice, a cult bonding likeminded fetish aficionados, though the “vampires” themselves would maintain that their compulsion for sucking and drinking blood is not a volitional act but an actual physical craving and absolute need, just like any other highly addictive substance. Likewise, through the ages satanic blood drinking and pedophilia have acted as mainliner drugs in the ritualistic blood sacrifice of children.

The fact that actual traumatized victims secrete the stress hormone adrenaline into their bloodstream and body moments leading up to death chemically acts as an addictive drug for the murdering Luciferian elite that engages in cannibalism and imbibes on blood. Numerous accounts from courageous survivors detailing their horrid satanic abuse have come forth over the years providing lots of credible, convincing testimony. A woman calling herself Kendall recently appeared on the Dr. Phil Show describing her many years of captivity within a child sex slavery ring where Illuminati figures raped and forced her to eat body parts of sacrificed children. In 1989 while a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Vicki Polin disclosed that she was an incest survivor trapped in a Satanic Jewish cult where ritualized abuse occurred in her synagogue. Her “upstanding” Midwestern family was part of the secret Frankist Movement, dedicated to following the worst, most depraved Cabbalist traditions while worshipping Satan.

Franklin scandal victim Paul Bonacci testified that on July 24th, 1984 he witnessed a child sacrifice killing of a young boy he was forced at gunpoint to have sex with at the infamous pedophile summer camp, Bohemian Grove where the elite regularly gather to pay homage to their version of Baal in the 40 foot stone owl statue called Moloch. Bonacci even identified bizarre journalist-author Hunter Thompson as an attendee making a snuff film. The night before Gonzo’s “suicide” in early March 2005, Thompson told a friend, “They’re gonna make it look like suicide. I know how those bastards think.” Hunter was working on a 9/11 story about how the WTC towers really came down. Often those who know too much and want to reveal what the controllers don’t want people to know, die suddenly in a “suicide” cover-up.

And obviously for blackmail control over the politician puppets, pedophilia, cannibalism and murder are often caught on film. The planetary controllers deploy Mossad and the CIA to regularly entrap elitist stooges through pedophilia rings. Mossad used convicted child sex offender billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his Sex Slave Island to get the dirt on scores of powerful scum still in power in Washington.

With Pizzagate/PedoGate exposing the global child sex trafficking rings that have been operating for many decades, pedophile scandals are being uncovered on a near weekly basis in the United Kingdom and Europe, Australia, Canada, and America involving a massive interlocking global operation. And raping children, blood draining and drinking, and murdering child victims have been a permanent fixture since ancient times. This presentation has encapsulated that long horrifying history that has led to this current epidemic. But we are finally turning the corner now on this despicable human blight, and the momentum is swinging towards growing public awareness and outrage, pushing for accountability and justice for our children.

The next section documents one eyewitness exposed to this satanic pedophile empire.

One Illuminati Whistleblower’s Recent Firsthand Account of Ritualized Child Sacrifice

Dutch entrepreneur Ronald Bernard was interviewed recently based on his extended involvement in the international crime cabal’s darkest domain. He openly disclosed that for five years he operated at the top levels of power in Iraq and elsewhere, directly involved in currency exchange money laundering enormous amounts of cash across borders. His work included interfacing with central banks, national governments, various deep state players like the CIA and Mossad, transnational oil corporations and US-Israeli-Saudi backed terrorist organizations, all the while maintaining as low a profile as possible to avoid detection. As a money handler employed in illicit global smuggling operations involving drugs, weapons and global child sex trafficking, up close and personal Bernard encountered the Luciferian world of the globalist crime cabal, at the heart of the US war making Empire machine, witnessing child pedophilia and children being ritualistically sacrificed.

Mr. Bernard explained how his blind ambition and lust for money led him on a path toward becoming a psychopath, but when he saw little kids being raped, tortured and murdered, his long buried conscience quickly shot to the surface. He astoundingly realized how the Luciferian worshippers all around him at the top of the predatory food chain detested human beings and in fact life itself. It sickened Ronald to see how his peers had literally sold their soul to the devil in exchange for all the riches, decadent luxury and sexual depravities big money and power buy. But like every organized crime syndicate, once you’re in, it’s extremely difficult getting out. After refusing to play the game any longer, and enduring torture on multiple levels, he underwent a protracted period of living hell, experiencing total breakdown of both his mental and physical health, ending up in a hospital ICU. An out of body experience and cathartic spiritual transformation granted him the courage as an Illuminati whistleblower to speak out, revealing his riveting, harrowing story. His account fully exposes the demonic barbarity of the soulless beast that is the hidden satanic cult currently running this world.

Satanic Snuff Films and Cannibalism

I must warn the reader that the content and imagery evoked from a graphic description of two snuff films seen by an individual who wrote about what he’d viewed years later is extremely disturbing. For the faint of heart, too disturbing. The films obviously left an indelible imprint that would never be forgotten. It seems like a very real glimpse into the dark world of Illuminati Satanists caught on film in action, cutting the throats of two toddlers, draining their blood, and then two cooks on camera instructing how to prepare and cook human flesh for dinner guests wearing masks that cover their eyes. It’s so shocking it seems like a devil’s cooking show from a Fellini movie.

The next scene is at the dining table with the guests and host couple. All are Satanists. The host has recently hired a young man for an executive position in his company, and he and his wife are the special guests. They’re filmed eating the two children. The new employee and his wife are nervous but the ten other people at the table are jovial. After the meal comes dessert and a wine toast followed by the host lecturing his new hire on treating the general public like peasant and cattle, emphasizing how different they the elite are from the sub-human animals that they detest and can barely tolerate. Finally the servants come out with two trays that they take the covers off to expose the toddler’s heads. The young man and his wife convulse with shock and the husband vomits. They just passed their initiation into the “good life” of the upper crust Illuminatis.

The second film is even more disturbing. A young homeless pregnant woman has been taken in by the Illuminati under the pretense of receiving support from a social charity service. She has been set up in an apartment and provided medical care for her child’s birth. The film features the same host who has invited the young mother to dine with the same satanic friends including the young couple from the last film. The mother wants to see her baby but the host claims she’s being taken care of by a nurse and wants to get to know her without the child distraction. They end up serving the mother her own baby’s flesh. The idea amongst these psychopathic monsters is the more evil the act, the more you’ll be rewarded by Satan. When the tray of her child’s head is displayed, the woman of course begins flipping out uncontrollably. Though the film ends there, the young mother was murdered shortly afterwards.

The reason the two murder scenes were made available for the writer to view is the Illuminati member tasked with making the films showed it to him. Though a Satanist himself, he had become upset with the child sacrifices and was trying to get the leadership within the Illuminati committee to be purged. So he’d kept copies of the snuff films and showed them to people he was unauthorized to give access to. He had renounced his Satanism and become a Christian but when higher ranking members learned he’d let others watch the films, he was murdered.

Skeptics can easily scoff that this story could easily be fictional, and of course that’s true. But knowing that little children are brutally murdered and filmed, and Satanists eat children’s flesh, this account appears both realistic and credible. Take it for what it’s worth. I include it here at the end to leave a graphically sober and jarring impression, so that motivation and determination to halt this heinously insane savagery can build and spread the world over.

We must stop the slaughter of our children!



The Chemistry in Contrails

The most important discovery made during the research for this paper was the discovery of the optical toxicity of the chemtrail-particulate plasma, and the way it disturbs the cell communication and the electrical cell-potential of plants. Within the publication the scientific background on biophoton-research and the biophysics of the deterioration of plantlife is described in a manner of a hornbook, to introduce all aspects of science not tought at universities. Most of this paper was written in Norway and reflects all aspects of geoengineering, military technologies and transhumanistic technologies utilized by the intelligence community for surveillance and mind-controll purposes. Also, it reveals the black-magic background of the transhumanistic agenda.

Because of the political explosiveness of the content I put this text into a public domain status.

Harald Kautz Wella

TheChemistryinContrails  (download)



Research connecting contrails to increased appearence of cirrus clouds

Back-engineering JP-8 military jetfuel, detection of JP-8 pollutants in nature

Understanding the technology of chemtrailing, compared to industrial flame pyrolysis

Scripts on non-linear optics, scientiffic background of scalar applications

Introduction to biophoton-research

Pro geo-engineering literature

Whistle-blowing on US radio-show

  • power hour, national broadcast show on chemtrails, partI
  • power hour, national broadcast show on chemtrails, part2
  • power hour, national broadcast show on chemtrails, part3

HAARP-background information

Political Background

La truffa dell’Unità d’Italia

La truffa dell’Unità d’Italia: dal ladro Garibaldi ai Rothschild

Il processo di Unità di Italia ha visto come protagonisti una sfilza di uomini più o meno celebri, i cosiddetti padri del Risorgimento. Dal nord al sud Italia ogni piazza o via principale si fregia di nomi illustri: Garibaldi, Mazzini, Cavour, Vittorio Emanuele etc.

Il popolo viene indottrinato fin dalla più tenera età a considerare costoro dei veri eroi, gli artisti li raffigurano esaltando il loro valore in maniera da rafforzare il mito che li circonda. Innumerevoli sono infatti le opere d’arte che ritraggono l’eroe dei due Mondi ora a cavallo…ora in piedi che impugna alta la sua spada, alcune volte indossa la celebre camicia rossa…altre volte si regge su un paio di stampelle come un martire. Tuttavia un ritratto che di certo non vedremo mai vorrebbe il Gran Maestro massone, Giuseppe Garibaldi, privo dei lobi delle orecchie. E dire che nessuna raffigurazione potrebbe essere più realistica poiché al nostro falso eroe furono davvero mozzate le orecchie, la mutilazione avvenne esattamente in Sud America, dove l’intrepido Garibaldi fu punito per furto di bestiame, si vocifera che fosse un ladro di cavalli. Naturalmente nessuna fonte ufficiale racconta questa vicenda.

È dunque lecito chiedersi quante altre accuse infanghino le gesta degli eroi risorgimentali? Quante altre macchie vennero lavate a colpi d’inchiostro da una storiografia corrotta e pilotata? Ma soprattutto quale fu il ruolo dei banchieri Rothschild nel processo di Unità d’Italia?

La Banca Nazionale degli Stati Sardi era sotto il controllo di Camillo Benso conte di Cavour, grazie alle cui pressioni divenne una autentica Tesoreria di Stato. Difatti era l’unica banca ad emettere una moneta fatta di semplice carta straccia. Inizialmente la riserva aurea ammontava ad appena 20 milioni ma questa somma ben presto sfumò perché reinvestita nella politica guerrafondaia dei Savoia. Il Banco delle Due Sicilie, sotto il controllo dei Borbone, possedeva invece un capitale enormemente più alto e costituito di solo oro e argento, una riserva tale da poter emettere moneta per 1.200 milioni ed assumere così il controllo dei mercati.

Cavour e gli stessi Savoia avevano ormai messo in ginocchio l’economia piemontese, si erano indebitati verso i Rothschild per svariati milioni e divennero in breve due burattini nelle loro mani. Fu così che i Savoia presero di mira il bottino dei Borbone. La rinascita economica piemontese avvenne mediante un operazione militare espansionistica a cui fu dato il nome in codice di Unità d’Italia, un classico esempio di colonialismo sotto mentite spoglie. L’intero progetto fu diretto dalla massoneria britannica, vero collante del Risorgimento. Non a caso i suddetti eroi furono tutti rigorosamente massoni.

La storia ufficiale racconta che i Mille guidati da Giuseppe Garibaldi, benché disorganizzati e privi di alcuna esperienza in campo militare, avrebbero prevalso su un esercito di settanta mila soldati ben addestrati e ben equipaggiati quale era l’esercito borbonico. In realtà l’impresa di Garibaldi riuscì solo grazie ai finanziamenti dei Rothschild, con i loro soldi i Savoia corruppero gli alti ufficiali dell’esercito borbonico che alla vista dei Mille batterono in ritirata, consentendo così la disfatta sul campo. Dunque non ci fu mai una vera battaglia, neppure la storiografia ufficiale ha potuto insabbiare le prove del fatto che molti ufficiali dell’esercito borbonico furono condannati per alto tradimento alla corona. Il sud fu presto invaso e depredato di ogni ricchezza, l’oro dei Borbone scomparve per sempre. Stupri, esecuzioni di massa, crimini di guerra e violenze di ogni genere erano all’ ordine del giorno. L’unica alternativa alla morte fu l’emigrazione. Il popolo cominciò a lasciare le campagne per trovare altrove una via di fuga. Ben presto il malcontento generale fomentò la ribellione dei sopravvissuti, si trattava di poveri contadini e gente di fatica che la propaganda savoiarda bollò con il dispregiativo di “briganti”, così da giustificarne la brutale soppressione.

A 150 anni di distanza si parla ancora di questione meridionale. Anche i più distratti scoveranno diverse analogie con quella che oggi viene invece definita questione palestinese. Stesse tecniche di disinformazione, stesse mire espansionistiche e soprattutto stesse famiglie di banchieri.

Solo che un tempo gli oppressi erano chiamati briganti…oggi invece sono i cattivi terroristi.

Enrico Novissimo per Collana Exoterica

Israel – A Nation Founded Upon a Monumental Lie

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, there was an extraordinarily evil kingdom. A land ruled by a wicked king who filled his court with practitioners of ancient Babylonian black arts, and occult oligarchs. A land inhabited by an aggressive demented race of thieves, murderers, and highwaymen, who would prey on travellers, steal from them, murder them, and then assume their identity. The citizens of neighbouring lands lived in constant fear and trepidation of this menacing realm, its criminal population, and its warlike tendencies.

Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that the above opening is the prologue to a mythical fable from times past, but such a sinister country, complete with its equally terrorizing inhabitants did exist. The country was called Khazaria, and its populace Khazars. A land to the north of Georgia and the south of Bulgaria, between the Black and Caspian seas.

The history of the Khazars, has been almost completely excised from history books and public records, and many hours of intense research were required to reconstruct this purposely hidden secret history of the Khazars. The following is the true history of Khazaria, its evolution, and its present day influences on our society.

The Khazars originally were an Asiatic Mongoloid nation. From time immemorial the homeland of the Khazars was in the heart of Asia. It was a very hostile nation, constantly at war with its neighbours. The Khazars were finally driven out of Asia by neighbouring countries in Asia with whom they were continually at war. The Khazars fled their Asian homeland and invaded eastern Europe to escape further defeats in Asia.

The very hostile Khazars did not find it difficult to subdue and conquer the 25 peaceful agricultural nations occupying approximately 1,000,000 square miles in eastern Europe. In a comparatively short period the Khazars established the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe, and probably the wealthiest also.

Between 100 and 800AD an incredibly evil society evolved in Khazaria. During this time, Khazars become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travellers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

The Khazars were a pagan nation when they invaded eastern Europe. Their historical religious doctrines were a mixture of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous reverence practiced in Asia by several pagan nations. The vile forms of sexual excess indulged in by the Khazars as their form of religious worship degenerated into a degree of debauched moral decadence unparalleled by any other nation of the time. This form of decadent worship continued until the 7th century until it could no longer be endured by the Khazarian king of the time.

King Bulan, ruler at that time of the Khazarian Kingdom, decided to abolish the practice of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship and make one of the three monotheistic religions, about which he knew very little, the new state religion. After a documented historic session with representatives of the three monotheistic religions King Bulan eventually decided against Christianity and Islam and selected Judaism as the future state religion of the Khazarian nation. It was decreed that every man woman and child of Khazaria must convert to Judaism and practice its philosophy.

King Bulan and his 4000 feudal nobles were promptly converted by rabbis imported from Babylonia specifically for that event. Phallic worship and other forms of idolatry were thereafter forbidden. The Khazarian king then invited large numbers of rabbis to come and open synagogues and schools to instruct the population in the new form of religious worship. It was now the state religion. The converted Khazars were the first population of so-called or self-styled “Jews’ in eastern Europe.

After the conversion of King Bulan none other than a so-called or self-styled “Jew” could occupy the Khazar throne. The Khazar Kingdom became a virtual theocracy. The religious leaders were the civil administrators also. The religious leaders imposed the teachings of the Talmud upon the population as their guide to living. The ideologies of the Talmud became the axis of political, cultural, economic and social attitudes and activities throughout the Khazar kingdom. The Talmud provided both civil and religious law.

Despite this mass conversion by the king and his subjects there remained a select secret circle of oligarchs who continued practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after bleeding them out, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.

The deep dark secret of those occult practices was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to deceive the Khazarian king this clandestine group melded these Luciferian black magic practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This occult form of Judaism was surreptitiously practiced in Khazaria, and it nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for previously.

During the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries the rapidly expanding new Russian empire gradually swallowed up the Khazar kingdom, its neighbour directly to the south. The conquest of the Khazar Kingdom by the Russians provides history with the explanation for the presence after the 13th century, of the large number of so-called “Jews” in Russia. This huge number of self-styled “Jews”, both in Russia and in many other eastern European nations after the destruction of the Khazar Kingdom, were thereafter no longer known as Khazars but as the “Yiddish” populations of these many countries. The term Yiddish is taken directly from the spoken and written language of the Khazarian Jews.

When the Khazars in the 1st century B.C. invaded eastern Europe their mother-tongue was an ancient Asiatic language. They spoke primitive Asiatic dialects without any alphabet or written form. When King Bulan was converted in the 7th century he decreed that the Hebrew characters he saw in the Talmud and other Hebrew documents was thereafter to become the official alphabet of the Khazar language. The Hebrew characters were adapted to the phonetics of the spoken Khazar language. The Khazars employed the characters of the ancient Hebrew language in order to provide a means of accomplishing a written account of their spoken words.

It is interesting to note that although the Yiddish and ancient Hebrew languages share the exact same characters in their alphabets, “Yiddish” must not be confused with “Hebrew”. There is not a single word of Yiddish in ancient Hebrew nor is there one word of ancient “Hebrew” in “Yiddish”. They are as totally different as spoken and written Swedish and Spanish, yet which both likewise share the same Latin based characters for their alphabets.

Whilst many textbooks and web-pages will attempt to assert that modern Hebrew and Yiddish both have roots in ancient biblical Hebrew, this claim can easily be debunked by both historians and linguists. The real reason that modern Hebrew has some similarities to Yiddish is because the inventors of modern Hebrew although attempting to revive and modernise ancient biblical Hebrew, couldn’t completely eradicate their Yiddish linguistic roots.

In the many wars with her neighbours in Europe since the 13th century, Russia was required to cede to her victors large areas which were originally part of the Khazar Kingdom. In this manner Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Hungary, Rumania, and Austria were acquired from Russian territory which was originally a part of the Khazar Kingdom. Together with this territory these nations acquired a segment of the population of so-called or self-styled “Jews” descended from the Khazars who once occupied the territory. These frequent boundary changes by the nations in eastern Europe explains the presence today of many Jews in all of these countries, all whose ancestry can be traced back to the converted Khazars. Their common language, their common culture, their common religion, and their common racial characteristics classify them all beyond any question of doubt with the Khazars who invaded eastern Europe in the 1st century B.C. and who were converted to Judaism in the 7th century.

These so-called “Jews” of eastern European origin make up at least 90% of the world’s present total population of Jews. Judaism was given the greatest stimulus in all its history with the conversion of the large pagan Khazar population in the 7th century. Without the conversion of the Khazar population it is doubtful if Judaism could have survived. It would have disappeared with all of its contemporary creeds and cults but for the conversion of the Khazars in the 7th century. At that time Judaism was well on its way towards complete oblivion, but the conversion of the Khazarian empire gave it a new lease of life.

From the 13th to the beginning of the 20th century Khazarian Jews spread to the four corners of the globe, integrating into communities worldwide, having nowhere they could call their homeland. Khazaria no longer existed and Judea, the original homeland of the biblical Jews was long gone, following their expulsion from their native soil by the Romans some 2000 years previous. During this period Khazarian Jews either lost or abandoned their true heritage, instead preferring to falsely believe that they were actually native Jews of biblical origin who descended from Israelite Canaanite tribes who left the Holy Land for Europe in the seventh century, following the Muslim conquest of Palestine. They came to be known as Ashkenazi Jews.

Although Ashkenazi Jews are professed to be of Germanic/European origin, and descendants of native biblical Jews, there is very little evidence in support of this claim. In fact recent DNA analysis has concluded that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically descended from the Khazars.

In the late 19th century came the advent of the Zionist movement in Europe. Zionism is a political movement amongst Jews (although supported by many non Jews), which maintains that the Jewish people constitute a nation and are entitled to a national homeland. Formally founded in 1897, Zionism embraced a variety of opinions in its early years on where that homeland might be established. From 1917 it focused on the establishment of a Jewish national homeland or state in Palestine, the original location of the ancient Kingdom of Israel/Judea. However, even the claim that Palestine is the native home of the Jewish people is not totally supported by fact.

According to the bible, this land was first inhabited by Canaanites, known to be the descendents of Noah. The Nation of Israel appeared on this land centuries later when they were brought out of the land of Egypt. They remained here for a few centuries until their exile by Assyrians and then by Babylonians. Finding favour with the Persians, they returned to this land, only to be swept away once again by Romans and Greeks.

The principles of the Zionist movement began to permeate throughout Ashkenazi/Khazarian Jewish communities worldwide and many became enthralled by the notion of returning to their alleged historical, biblical homeland, even though in reality it was not.

Then, on 2nd November 1917 came the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was a formal statement of policy by the British government stating that:

His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

On 14th May 1948 the Balfour Declaration was realised and the modern state of Israel was founded.

Eradication of the People of Palestine…
Eradication of the People of Palestine.

Ashkenazi Jews flocked to their new found homeland in droves and rapidly expanded their borders beyond their intended limits. Since the inception of the state of Israel in 1948, and especially since 1967, Israel has relentlessly, brutally, and uncompromisingly expanded their borders into Palestinian land. These Jewish usurpers have seized land, stolen farms, and demolished Palestinian homes with unrelenting ruthlessness and unforgiving vindictiveness. They have reduced the Palestinian nation to nothing more than the wretched, pitiful strip of dessert the Gaza strip, effectively making the Palestinians prisoners in their own land, and they will stop at nothing until they have either removed or annihilated all Palestinians.

These usurpers believe they have a right to this land as they are Gods chosen people. They profess to be of the lineage of Abraham so therefore have an ancestral entitlement to displace its present inhabitants, and replace them with their own. They claim the ancient land of Canaan (now Palestine) as their legacy because they are descendents of the 12 tribes. This is their God given birthright, based upon their ancestry.

Yet this is a monumental lie.

90% of the inhabitants of modern day Israel are not descendents of Abraham, or any other biblical predecessor. In fact they have next to no middle eastern blood in their veins. Ashkenazi Jews have no hereditary right whatsoever to the land they now inhabit. They have stolen this territory from its rightful inhabitants and are now obliterating them, just as the Khazars obliterated the former populace of Khazaria when they invaded from Asia.

They may have changed their religion in years gone by, but their decadent bloodthirsty conquests have remained!


The Jewish Encyclopaedia:

“Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania.”

The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia:

“The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz… in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim… About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”

Encyclopaedia Americana:

“Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands…it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel… In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population.”

The American Peoples Encyclopaedia:

“In the year 740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were crushed by the incoming Slavic-speaking people and were scattered over central Europewhere they were known as Jews.

The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume 6:

“Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century A.D. established a major commercial empire covering the south-eastern section of modern European Russia…but the most striking characteristic of the Khazars was the adoption of Judaism by the Kagan and the greater part of the ruling class in about 740…The fact itself, however, is undisputed and unparalleled in the history of Central Eurasia. A few scholars have ascertained that the Judaized Khazars were the remote ancestors of many of the Jews of Eastern Europe and Russia.

by Graham Pick


SEE: The Invention of the Jewish People – Shlomo Sand 2009 Were a famous Jewish scientist in Israel tells the truth………
The Thirteenth Tribe, The Khazar Empire and its Heritage – Arthur Koestler 1976

Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie

In June 1936 Max Hahn and his wife Emma were on a walk beside a waterfall near to London, Texas, when they noticed a rock with wood protruding from its core. They decided to take the oddity home and later cracked it open with a hammer and a chisel. What they found within shocked the archaeological and scientific community. Embedded in the rock was what appeared to be some type of ancient man made hammer.

A team of archaeologists analysed and dated it. The rock encasing the hammer was dated to more than 400 million years old. The hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. Additionally, a section of the wooden handle had begun the metamorphosis into coal. The hammer’s head, made of more than 96% iron, is far more pure than anything nature could have achieved without assistance from relatively modern smelting methods.

In 1889 near Nampa, Idaho, whilst workers were boring an artesian well, a small figurine made of baked clay was extracted from a depth of 320 feet. To reach this depth the workers had to cut through fifteen feet of basalt lava and many other strata below that. That in itself does not seem remarkable, until one considers that the very top layer of lava has been dated to at least 15 million years old!

It is currently accepted by science and geology that coal is a by-product of decaying vegetation. The vegetation becomes buried over time and is covered with sediment. That sediment eventually fossilises and becomes rock. This natural process of coal formation takes up to 400 million years to accomplish.

Anything that is found in lumps of coal or in coal seams during mining, had to have been placed or dropped into the vegetation before it was buried in sediment.

In 1944, as a ten year old boy, Newton Anderson, dropped a lump of coal in his basement and it broke in half as it hit the floor. What he discovered inside defies explanation based upon current scientific orthodoxy.

Inside the coal was a hand crafted brass alloy bell with an iron clapper and sculptured handle.

When an analysis was carried out it was discovered that the bell was made from anunusual mix of metals, different from any known modern alloy production (including copper, zinc, tin, arsenic, iodine, and selenium).

The seam from whence this lump of coal was mined is estimated to be 300,000,000 years old!

A hand crafted bell found in a 300 million year old lump of coal!
A hand crafted bell found in a 300 million year old lump of coal!

These extraordinary discoveries although bizarre, are not unique or even uncommon. There are literally thousands of them collecting dust, locked away from public scrutiny in the vaults of museums throughout the world.

There are many other unusual reported finds including the following:

The Morrisonville, Illinois Times, on June 11, 1891, reported how Mrs. S. W. Culp found a circular shaped eight-carat gold chain, about 10 inches long, embedded in a lump of coal after she broke it apart to put in her scuttle. The chain was described as “antique” and of “quaint workmanship.”

Displayed in a museum at Glen Rose, Texas, is a cast iron pot reportedly found in a large lump of coal in 1912 by a worker feeding coal into the furnace of a power plant. When he split open the coal the worker said the pot fell out, leaving its impression in the coal.

Yet another report found in the Epoch Times told of a Colorado rancher who in the 1800’s broke open a lump of coal, dug from a vein some 300 feet below the surface, and discovered a “strange-looking iron thimble.”

A cast iron pot found in a lump of coal.
A cast iron pot found in a lump of coal.

The Salzburg Cube is yet another ancient puzzle found by a worker named Reidl, in an Austrian foundry in 1885. Like the others, this man broke open a block of coal and found a metal cube embedded inside. Recent analysis established the object was of forged iron and obviously hand crafted. The coal it was found in was millions of years old.

The list of such items goes on and on and on.

Welcome to the world of Ooparts, or Out of Place Artefacts.

Out of place artefacts (Ooparts) are so named because conventional scientific wisdom (an oxymoron if ever there was one) states that these artefacts shouldn’t exist based upon currently accepted beliefs regarding our origins and history. These discoveries are out of place in the orthodox timeline of human history.

The usual methods of the conformist scientific community, when faced with such anomalies is to attempt to debunk their reported age, or perhaps endeavour to discredit the source of the report or even the reporter. If this approach fails then usually the artefacts themselves are banished to the shadowy vaults of museums and warehouses, never to be seen again.

If these unusual artefacts were one off then perhaps one could be forgiven for accepting the view espoused by the mainstream scientific and archaeological community that they are hoaxes or misreported stories. However, when one realises that thousands upon thousands of these anomalous artefacts have been discovered and reported over the years, then one may need to re-evaluate ones acceptance of the integrity of mainstream archaeology and science.

Occasionally an honest archaeologist will attempt to reveal to the public the true age and origin of such anomalous objects. They will question the accepted beliefs of their mainstream peers. They usually find that their career ends quite abruptly.

Unfortunately, the majority just accept what they are taught in school and university without question. That is how our educational system is designed. It does not encourage individuality and originality. It purely indoctrinates one with established beliefs and dogma.

If one requires evidence of this mainstream mentality, one need look no further than the realms of psychiatry. Modern psychiatry seeks to demonize and declare mentally ill anyone who deviates from what is regarded as the norm.

These so called mental health professionals have even invented a new mental disorder named Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD (love the irony of the abbreviation).

This newly invented condition is listed in the latest instalment of the industry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, which dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal, as mentally insane.

So there you have your proof, I’m obviously an unmitigated nutter and completely insane. At least that is what those in authority would like everyone to believe!

Anyway, I digress.

On one side of the field we have the Darwinists and their theory of evolution, trying to establish the extremely flawed view that we have somehow evolved into highly intelligent sentient beings from a primordial blob of gunge, miraculously brought to life by an electrical storm billions of years ago. (Perhaps one of this cults followers could explain to me when consciousness evolved, and provide proof I await with baited breath!)

On the other side we have the creationists with the belief that some omnipotent invisible being who lives in the clouds, waved his magic wand about 7,000 years ago and created the earth and everything on it. Again the adherents of this equally flawed theory rely on nothing more than a book called the Bible for their proof of this concept. The fact that this book has been bastardised during translation numerous times during its existence, has been re-written to certain individuals personal preference on a number of occasions, and has had many complete chapters omitted, is irrelevant to its followers. All they require is faith. Proof and evidence is not a prerequisite!

One couldn’t get more opposing beliefs if one tried, and both camps adhere to their beliefs voraciously, and with unshakable fervour. Yet neither are based on any kind of factual or hard evidence.

The reality is that the origin of the human race is a total enigma. No one, anywhere, actually knows how old humanity is or how and where it originated. It is a complete mystery. Yet from birth one is indoctrinated into one or the other of the above factions, with no questions asked or alternative opinions allowed.

The problem the mainstream has with these anomalous Ooparts is that they throw into question every single established belief there is regarding our past.

It seems that everywhere we look, we find things that contradict much of the scientific orthodoxy of today. The scientific establishment will never acknowledge or admit that these artefacts are authentic. To do so would be to admit that they are completely wrong about our origins, and consequently, invalidate all of the text books used to indoctrinate us and our children.

The discovery of Ooparts completely annihilates the [comparatively recent] theory of evolution. If, as this hypothesis would have us believe, modern humans only evolved 200,000 years ago (or thereabouts), one has to ask how man made artefacts, found in substrata originating millions of years ago, could be explained?

Alternatively, the advocates of creationism have a very quaint way of acknowledging the existence of Ooparts, and bizarrely, actually believe that Ooparts substantiate their world view.

Creationists just completely disregard the established dating methods, and declare every single recognized archaeological and geological process null and void. They would have us all believe that coal seams, rock strata, fossils, minerals, precious stones and every other antediluvian element, took only a few thousand years to form.

Yet the psychiatric establishment would have me labelled as the loony for questioning this baloney. Go figure!

There will no doubt be readers who, similar to predictable conservative archaeologists, and probably due to their indoctrinated belief system, will also dismiss the aforementioned Ooparts as hoaxes or forgeries. Perhaps they would like to consider and offer an explanation for the following.

It is an accepted belief that humans and dinosaurs did not co-exist. According to conventional academia, dinosaurs roamed the earth between 65 and 225 million years ago, whereas the earliest upright biped humanoid, homo erectus, only appeared about 1.8 million years ago.

However, in 1968 a palaeontologist named Stan Taylor began excavations of fossilised dinosaur footprints, discovered in the bed of the Paluxy river near Glen Rose, Texas. What he unearthed shocked and dumbfounded the scientific community. Alongside the dinosaur tracks, in exactly the same cretaceous fossilised strata, were well preserved human footprints.

Human footprints crossing 3 toed dinosaur footprints fossilised in the Paluxy river bed.
Human footprints crossing 3 toed dinosaur footprints fossilised in the Paluxy river bed.

The immediate reaction of evolutionists, archaeologists, and science in general, was to debunk the find as a hoax.They were carved into the rock by hoaxers or They are not human footprints, but more dinosaur footprints that have been eroded to look human were the arguments most commonly proposed.

However, their line of reasoning falls somewhat flat when one asks why only the human prints were eroded and not also the 3 toed dinosaur prints? Additionally one has to consider, if the human prints were carved as a hoax, how did the hoaxers manage to carve further human footprints that continued under bedrock that was later removed from the side of the river bed?

Since the initial discovery, hundreds more human footprints have been discovered and unearthed, both in Paluxy and in many other places around the globe. Either those hoaxers have unlimited time and budget or someone is telling porkies!

Next one needs to consider another find discovered in 100 million year old cretaceous limestone. A fossilised human finger, which was found along with a childs tooth and human hair. This finger has been subjected to numerous scientific tests and analysis. Sectioning revealed the typical porous bone structure expected in a human finger. Additionally a Cat-scan and MRI scan identified joints and traced tendons throughout the length of the fossil. This is one find that science cannot explain away as a hoax.

Cat-scan of a human fossilised finger shows dark areas showing the interior of bones and bone marrow, along with tendons.
Cat-scan of a human fossilised finger shows dark areas showing the interior of bones and bone marrow, along with tendons.

There is however another find of recent years that blows all of the others into a cocked hat regarding age.

Over the past few decades, miners near the little town of Ottosdal in Western Transvaal, South Africa, have been digging up hundreds of mysterious metal spheres. These spheres measure between 25 and 100 mm in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running completely around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found. One is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white, the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance.

These spheres are reportedly so delicately balanced that even with modern technology, they would need to be made in a zero gravity environment to attain these characteristics. These objects have become known as the Klerksdorp spheres.

A Klerksdorp sphere
A Klerksdorp sphere

Geologists have attempted to debunk these artefacts as natural formations or limonite concretions. They fail to explain sufficiently how these formations occurred naturally with perfectly straight and perfectly spaced grooves around the centres.

Perhaps the real reason for such fervent attempted debunking by the scientific community, is that the rock in which these spheres where found is Precambrian – and dated to2.8 billion years old!

Whether one wishes to accept these out of place artefacts as genuine or not is I suppose, down to personal beliefs.

Evolutionists refuse to accept them as to do so would mean re-evaluating their whole indoctrinated belief system. They will even stoop to producing outright fantasy in their attempts to discredit these discoveries. If that fails then they will just pretend that they do not exist, and then hide them away forever.

Creationists on the other hand willingly accept them as some bizarre kind of proof that the universe is only about 7,000 years old, and totally ignore any evidence, from any source, to the contrary. They continue to cling to a medieval belief system based purely on blind faith. How quaint.

Personally, I don’t belong to either camp. I keep an open mind regarding our origins. I don’t have any particular philosophy on the subject but rather prefer to adapt my understanding as new evidence becomes available. My only current belief based upon all of the available facts to date is that the human race has inhabited this planet for millions of years longer than is presently accepted.

I realise that I will never discover the answer to the question of our origin. The human race has been searching for this answer since the dawn of time, and it still evades us.

Everything we have been taught in our schools and universities about our origin and history, is based upon nothing more than speculation and hypothesis. There is not a single provable fact out there that conclusively answers the question where do we come from.

What I will continue to do however, is question everything, and not just blindly accept any mainstream viewpoint because it happens to be fashionable at the time.

If that means one day I get a knock at my door from men in white coats holding a straightjacket, then so be it.

By  Graham Pick


by Peter Eyre

I have always considered myself to be reasonably informed as to who rules what and in knowing the correct pecking order when it comes to we sheeples lining up to receive our alms or maundy money!!

However, although this article does reveal some aspects of the New World Order (Illuminati) and its working I would like to give you all a much smaller condensed version with hard-hitting facts:

King John of England carried out an act of treason when he signed our country over to Rome around the time of the Magna Carta and in doing so not only signed my country over but also all subsequent countries that England invaded or took over.

This thus means that the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand i.e. Commonwealth Countries (both ex and current) and all colonies have always been under the control of Rome and Rome under the control of the Jesuits.

This means that legally the illuminati has the upper hand with the following being its controlling mechanism:

Strings pulled from Rome

City of London – administrative – legal – financial centres.

Washington – Military – Security via its army that we call NATO

International speaking ,and all under the control of the above, is the UN and all of its organizations WHO – UNESCO – International Court of Justice etc.

The most important aspect is that of the judiciary whereby all member of the bar in all of countries under their control swear their allegiance to the Crown.and not to their own sovereign state which in itself is an act of treason.

The Crown is not the Royal Crown but the Crown Templar which brings us back to that evil and satanical district called Temple which houses most of the above and an area I have been associated with for some years with my own long standing court case at the Royal Courts of justice in London.

So for those that do not understand Rome – London – Washington are all Sovereign States within their respective countries and are independent of all.

All legal documents that then followed in creating each and ever country were drafted, written, lodged and sealed by the New World Order – Illuminati which again means they are not “Independent States” and thus belong to Rome via London and obviously all it natural resources
when mined have to pay royalty to the Crown Templar.

Still with me?

In a nutshell our respective Constitutions – Bill of Rights etc are worth “Jack Shit”

We all remain subservient to the Crown Templar London and its superior the Illuminati in Rome (Jesuits)

They control all facets of life from Politics – Law – Health – Education etc.

However, all is not lost because we still have one very important legal tool that we call Common Law which is the superior law of any country and remains paramount above Statute Law (Government Law) which is actually illegal unless it falls under Common Law or Compliments Common Law.

The shills tend to hide behind Admiralty law which stems back to the days of the old sailing ships that plied the seas and oceans but Common Law is still the paramount law.

In basic language if you have carried out some sinister deed or crime you would be entitled to go to some other town or city that you are not known in and seek 12 peers to act as your jury and then allow them to decide your fate !!……..imagine no requirement of a court, judge or lawyer!

Under Common Law you cannot be harmed or dealt with in such a way that it can cause you financial hardship or loose your worldly processions etc…… ….this also means that a bank or financial institution cannot carryout a foreclosure on your house or property etc and in actual fact this practice is totally illegal.

That will do for now but in closing I can tell you that I have been in all of the Inns mentioned by the previous writer and know the Temple Area in London so very well….the only good aspect of the area is its architecture and the Medieval Temple Church which is where the “Knights Templar” launched their Crusades to the Middle East.

The latter is nothing to be proud of in that the Army of God or Soldiers of God – Knights Templar slaughtered or massacred thousands upon thousand of non-Christian citizens, women and children. These Knights Templar then regrouped and carried out their last Crusade in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) in Europe and genocided the so called pagans of those countries………how do I know?…….because I have an ancestral line that includes many Knights dating back to 1066 and some were Knights Templar and went to the Crusades etc.

Am I proud of this fact? ….. most certainly not…….Am I proud of the other knights at the Battle of Hastings or the Battle of Agincourt etc ? …..Yes and no………I do not believe in wars or conflicts but I have to say that when my forefathers fought the French army on a ration of 6 to 1, I cannot but admire the courage and determination in standing their ground and defeating them for King and Country.

Generally speaking. it is all so very wrong and to think that faith plays a major role in all of this is disgusting…….what happened to those most powerful words “Love thy neighbour as thyself” ??


Part 2

There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.

Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.

This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’

The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.

The City is referred to as the wealthiest square mile on earth and is presided over by a Lord Mayor who is appointed annually.

When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state. She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor.

Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms.

In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.

The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.

As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).

Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.

The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court.

They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.

The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.

The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America.

To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.

At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown.

There is no lawful effect when a party signs as both the first and second parties. The Declaration was simply an internal memo circulating among private members of the Crown.

Most Americans believe that they own their own land, but they have merely purchased real estate by contract. Upon fulfillment of the contract, control of the land is transferred by Warranty Deed.

The Warranty Deed is only a ‘color of title.’ Color of Title is a semblance or appearance of title, but not title in fact or in law. The Warranty Deed cannot stand against the Land Patent.

The Crown was granted Land Patents in North America by the King of England. Colonials rebelled at the usurious Crown taxes, and thus the Declaration of Independence was created to pacify the populace.

Another ruse used to hoodwink natural persons is by enfranchisement. Those cards in your wallet bearing your name spelled in all capital letters means that you have been enfranchised and have the status of a corporation.

A ‘juristic personality’ has been created, and you have entered into multi-variant agreements that place you in an equity relationship with the Crown.

These invisible contracts include, birth certificates, citizenship records, employment agreements, driver’s licenses and bank accounts. It is perhaps helpful to note here that contracts do not now, nor have they ever had to be stated in writing in order to be enforceable by American judges. If it is written down, it is merely a written statement of the contract.

Tax protestors and (the coming) draft resistors trying to renounce the parts of these contracts that they now disagree with will not profit by resorting to tort law (fairness) arguments as justification. Judges will reject these lines of defense as they have no bearing on contract law jurisprudence. Tort law governs grievances where no contract law is in effect.

These private agreements/contracts that bind us will always overrule the broad general clauses of the Constitution and Bill of Rights (the Constitution being essentially a renamed enactment of English common law). The Bill of Rights is viewed by the Crown as a ‘bill of benefits,’ conferred on us by them in anticipation of reciprocity (taxes).

Protestors and resistors will also lose their cases by boasting of citizenship status. Citizenship is another equity agreement that we have with the Crown. And this is the very juristic contract that Federal judges will use to incarcerate them. In the words of former Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, “Equity is brutal, but we are merely enforcing agreements.”

“The balance of Title 42, section 1981 of the Civil Rights Code states,” citizens shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind”

What we view as citizenship, the Crown views as a juristic enrichment instrumentality. It also should be borne in mind that even cursory circulation or commercial use of Federal Reserve Notes effects an attachment of liability for the payment of the Crown’s debt to the FED. This is measured by your taxable income.

And to facilitate future asset-stripping, the end of the 14th amendment includes a state of debt hypothecation of the United States, wherein all enfranchised persons (that’s you) can be held personally liable for the Crown’s debt.

The Crown views our participation in these contracts of commercial equity as being voluntary and that any gain accrued is taxable, as the gain wouldn’t have been possible were in not for the Crown.

They view the system of interstate banks as their own property. Any profit or gain experienced by anyone with a bank account (or loan, mortgage or credit card) carries with it – as an operation of law – the identical same full force and effect as if the Crown had created the gain.

Bank accounts fall outside the umbrella of Fourth Amendment protection because a commercial contract is in effect and the Bill of Rights cannot be held to interfere with the execution of commercial contracts. The Crown also views bank account records as their own private property, pursuant to the bank contract that each of us signed and that none of us ever read.

The rare individual who actually reads the bank contract will find that they agreed to be bound by Title 26 and under section 7202 agreed not to disseminate any fraudulent tax advice. This written contract with the Crown also acknowledges that bank notes are taxable instruments of commerce.

When we initially opened a bank account, another juristic personality was created. It is this personality (income and assets) that IRS agents are excising back to the Crown through taxation.

A lot of ink is being spilled currently over Social Security.

Possession of a Social Security Number is known in the Crown’s lex as ‘conclusive evidence’ of our having accepted federal commercial benefits. This is another example of an equity relationship with the Crown.

Presenting one’s Social Security Number to an employer seals our status as taxpayers, and gives rise to liability for a reciprocal quid pro quo payment of taxes to the Crown.

Through the Social Security Number we are accepting future retirement endowment benefits. Social Security is a strange animal. If you die, your spouse gets nothing, but rather, what would have gone to you is divided (forfeited) among other premium payers who haven’t died yet.

But the Crown views failure to reciprocate in any of these equity attachments as an act of defilement and will proceed against us with all due prejudice.

For a person to escape the tentacles of the Crown octopus, a thoroughgoing study of American jurisprudence is required. One would have to be deemed a ‘stranger to the public trust,’ forfeit all enfranchisement benefits and close all bank accounts, among other things.

Citizenship would have to be made null and forfeit and the status of ‘denizen’ enacted. If there are any persons extant who have passed through this fire, I would certainly appreciate hearing from them.

The United States of America is a corporation, ruled by the British Crown and the Vatican

The USA is, and always has been, a huge corporation ruled from abroad. Its initial name was the Virginia Company and it is owned by the British Crown and the Vatican, who receive their yearly share of the profits.

The US presidents are appointed CEO’s (they are not elected by us!), and their allegiance is to the “board of directors,” not to the American citizens. We are seen as employees of the company and voting is designed as a distraction meant to offer us the illusion that we have a say in all this.

“In 1606 [King] James set up the Virginia Company which was granted Royal authority to begin settlements in the province of Virginia, named after Elizabeth I, who had been popularly called the Virgin Queen. The Union Jack first flew on American soil at Jamestown in Virginia as a permanent fixture in the spring of 1607…

“The early members of the Virginia Company were aristocrats who supported the Church of England and the Royalist cause. They included Lord Southampton, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of Montgomery, the Earl of Salisbury, the Earl of Northampton, and Sir Francis Bacon…

“As chancellor of England, Bacon was able to persuade the king to issue the charters which enabled the new colonies to proliferate in the new world…

“The Virginia Company members who actually settled in America included several members of the Bacon family, and friends of his who were initiates of the Rosy Cross.” — Michael Howard – Occult Conspiracy (quoted by Michael Tsarion)

I understand from contacts in America that it is through organizations like the London Metal Exchange that profits from the Virginia Company (United States of America) are channeled back to London.”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

The House of Burgesses was formed in Jamestown in 1619. It was the first representative legislative body in the American Colonies. The House passed measures designed to help the company prosper. But a serious Indian uprising in Jamestown in 1622 caused the adventurers to lose what little interest they had left. In 1623, King James decided that the company was being managed poorly. He took over the association in 1624 and dissolved the company.” — World Book Encyclopedia;

“Its shareholders were Londoners, and it was distinguished from the Plymouth Company, which was chartered at the same time and composed largely of men from Plymouth.

“In 1619 the company established continental America’s first true legislature, the General Assembly, which was organized bicamerally. It consisted of the governor and his council, named by the company in England, and the House of Burgesses, made up of two burgesses from each of the four boroughs and seven plantations.

“…The court ruled against the Virginia Company, which was then dissolved, with the result that Virginia was transformed into a royal colony.”– Encyclopedia Britannica;

This means that all the rights which applied to the owners of the Virginia Company to the gold, silver, minerals and duties, mined and paid in America, still apply to the British families who own the United States of America and the lands of the united states of America.

“Those same percentages have been paid since ‘independence’ and are still being paid by the American people via their federal officials who are, in fact, officials of the Virginia Company – yes, including the President.

“…But here’s yet another twist. Who owns the assets apparently owned by the Virginia Company? Answer: the Vatican.”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

After the original 13 (again!) American colonies won their ‘independence’ and an ‘independent’ country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to… the United States of America.

“You see there are two USAs, or rather a USA and a usA. The united states of America with a lower case ‘u’ and ‘s’ are the lands of the various states. These lands, as we have seen, are still owned by the British Crown as the head of the old Virginia Company, although there is something to add about this in a moment.

“Then there is the United States of America, capital ‘U’ and ‘S’, which is the 68 square miles of land west of the Potomac River on which is built the federal capital, Washington DC and the District of Columbia. It also includes the US protectorates of Guam and Puerto Rico.

“The United States of America is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same Brotherhood reptilian bloodlines who owned the Virginia Company, because the USA is the Virginia Company!”–David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

In 1604, a group of leading politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers, met in Greenwich, then in the English county of Kent, and formed a corporation called the Virginia Company in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans, mostly British at first, into the North American continent.

“Its main stockholder was the reptilian, King James I, and the original charter for the company was completed by April 10th 1606. This and later updates to the charter established the following:

“…The Virginia Company comprised of two branches, the London Company and the Plymouth or New England Company…The ‘Pilgrims’ of American historical myth were, in fact, members of the second Virginia Company branch called the New England Company. The Pilgrim Society is still a major elite grouping within the Illuminati..

“The Virginia Company owned most of the land of what we now call the USA, and any lands up to 900 miles offshore. This included Bermuda and most of what is now known as the Caribbean Islands.

“The Virginia Company (the British Crown and the bloodline families) had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of the ore of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures.

“These rights, the charters detailed, were to be passed on to all heirs of the owners of the Virginia Company and therefore continue to apply… forever!

“The controlling members of the Virginia Company who were to enjoy these rights became known as the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of the City of London.

“After the first 21 years from the formation of the Virginia Company, all ‘duties, imposts, and excises’ paid on trading activities in the colonies had to be paid directly to the British Crown through the Crown treasurer…

“The lands of the Virginia Company were granted to the colonies under a Deed of Trust (on lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land…

“The monarch, through his Council for the Colonies, insisted that members of the colonies impose the Christian religion on all the people, including the Native Americans…

“The criminal courts on the lands of the Virginia Company were to be operated under Admiralty Law, the law of the sea, and the civil courts under common law, the law of the land… Now, get this. All of the above still applies today!”– David Icke – The Biggest Secret;

The United States Inc.

England, Canada, Australia and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries. America, Russia, and other countries, however, have a “President” and “Vice-President.”

Usually corporations have Presidents and Vice-Presidents. What does this mean? The US Presidents rule from the “White House.” The Russian Presidents also rule from the White House. The Jesuits, a large force behind the Illuminati, have their own White House as well. England is ruled from “Whitehall.”

“The United States government is being ruled from the ‘White House,’ the government of England is being ruled from what is called ‘Whitehall,’ and Whitehall, like our White House, is the symbol of power because the hall is like the Masonic hall, the lodge hall, the union hall.”  — Jordan Maxwell – Matrix of Power;

“For those who think America controls the roost it would do well to consider that the Queen of England is still the official head of Commonwealth (123 countries) and the official monarch of Australia and Canada along with the United Kingdom… add to that the fact that all Bush Sr. got for his two terms as president of USA is a mere knighthood of the British Empire.” — Prash Trivedi;

The original 13 colonies were actually called companies. Military units are also called companies. We sing patriotic songs like “the Star-Spangled Banner” but a banner is a corporate advertisement, not a flag.

You surrender with a white flag, no colors. When you get mad you show your true colors. If you just won independence in a bloody revolution with Britain would you choose the same three colors for your new US flag?

Why does “every heart ring true for the red, white, and blue?” What about the gold-fringed flag used by the military, hung at all courts, schools, and government buildings?  It all has to do with the British Maritime Admiralty Law of Flags.

Barack Obama is the current CEO of the USA Corporation and
the gold-fringed flags in the background stand for “ruled from abroad.”

“This is also known as British Maritime (military) Law and this is why the American flag always has a gold fringe when displayed in the courts of the United States. You find the same in government buildings and federally funded schools.

“The gold fringe is a legal symbol indicating that the court is sitting under British Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code – military and merchant law not common or constitutional law, under the Admiralty Law of Flags, the flag displayed gives notice of the law under which the ship (in this case the court) is regulated.

“Anyone entering that ship (court) accepts by doing so that they are submitting to the law indicated by that flag. Judges refuse to replace the flag with one without a fringe when asked by defendants who know the score because that changes the law under which the court is sitting.

“If you appear in a court with a gold fringed flag your constitutional rights are suspended and you are being tried under British Maritime (military /merchant) Law.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;

International Maritime Admiralty law, the law of the high seas, began in Sumeria, was perfected in Rome and continues to this day. Jordan Maxwell has explained that the way we trade commerce today is modeled after the Masons’/Templar Knights’ 1,000 year old system.

Notice how regardless of whether you send a product by air, water, or land – you “ship” it. The ship pulls into its “berth” and ties to the “dock.”  The Captain has to provide the port authorities with a “certificate of manifest” declaring the products he has brought.

Through a legal loophole the royals have created, US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law. Since we are born of our mother’s water, from her “birth canal,” we are thereby a maritime product, a “shipped” commodity. Our mothers were delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we are born in a “delivery room.”

That’s why the “doc” signs your “berth” certificate, your “certificate of manifest.” You’re kept in the Maternity “Ward.” Why a ward? No other hospital areas are called wards. Prisons have wards and wardens.

The United States Corporation came about just after the civil war. The Act of 1871 was passed by congress creating a separate form of government for DC, essentially turning it into a corporation.

It was decided that employees would be called “citizens.”  So when you say in court or on paper, that you are a citizen of the United States, you are not a free American, but an employee of US Inc.

When you get a fine, a ticket, a bill, or get sued, you must sign in all capital letters. When you die your Masonic tombstone by law will have all capital letters to show their employee has died.

The entity that is your name in all caps is your maritime admiralty product code. Upper and lower case legally represents you, your body.

“The Uniform Commercial Code was approved by the American Bar Association, which is a franchise, a subordinate branch, of the British legal system and its hierarchy based in London’s Temple Bar (named after the Illuminati Knights Templar secret society).

As I have been writing for many years, the power that controls America is based in Britain and Europe because that is where the power is located that owns the United States Corporation. By the way, if you think it is strange that a court on dry land could be administered under Maritime Law, look at US Code, Title 18 B 7.

It says that Admiralty Jurisdiction is applicable in the following locations: (1) the high seas; (2) any American ship; (3) any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by consent of the legislature of the state.

In other words, mainland America. All this is founded on Roman law because the Illuminati have been playing this same game throughout the centuries wherever they have gone. The major politicians know that this is how things are and so do the government administrators, judges, lawyers and insider ‘journalists’.

Those who realize what is happening and ask the court for the name of the true creditor or recipients of the fines imposed by the ‘legal system’ are always refused this information by the judge.

The true creditors in such cases, and the ultimate recipient of the fines, are the bankers to which the corporation ‘country’ is bankrupt.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;

Lawyers or “barristers” have to take the Bar Association “bar” exam just as alcoholics go to the “bar,” sugar-junkies eat candy “bars,” and gamblers hope to get 3 “bars” on the slot machine. These all derive from the Templar’s turn of the 13th century “Temple Bar” in England.

Originally the Temple Bar was literally just a bar or chain between two posts next to the Temple law courts.  This soon became a huge stone gate and there were eventually eight of these gates built so the elites could restrict / control trade within the city of London.

They were taken down during 19th century, but then each stone was numbered and kept in storage until 2004 when they just re-built the Temple Bar in London.

“The United States corporation was created behind the screen of a ‘Federal Government’ when, after the manufactured ‘victory’ in the American War of ‘Independence’, the British colonies exchanged overt dictatorship from London with the far more effective covert dictatorship that has been in place ever since.

In effect, the Virginia Company, the corporation headed by the British Crown that controlled the ‘former’ colonies, simply changed its name to the United States and other related pseudonyms.

These include the US, USA, United States of America, Washington DC, District of Columbia, Federal Government and ‘Feds’. The United States Corporation is based in the District of Columbia and the current president of the corporation is a man called George W. Bush.

He is not the president of the people or the country as they are led to believe, that’s just the smokescreen. This means that Bush launched a ‘war on terrorism’ on behalf of a private corporation to further the goals of that corporation.

It had nothing to do with’ America’ or ‘Americans’ because these are very different legal entities. It is the United States Corporation that owns the United States military and everything else that comes under the term ‘federal’.

This includes the Federal Reserve, the ‘central bank’ of the United States, which is, in reality, a private bank owned by controlling stockholders (and controllers of the US Corporation) that are not even American. This is the bank from which the United States Corporation borrows ‘money’.” — David Icke – Tales from the Time Loop;

The Greater British Empire Map

The Shocking Truth About Your Birth Certificate

“If you notice on the bottom of your birth certificate it says Department of Commerce.  It is a property of the Department of Commerce because you are nothing more than a piece of commercial material.  That’s why if you’re out of work you don’t go to the unemployment office, you go to the Office of Human Resources, because you’re just a human resource.” — Jordan Maxwell, 1990 Slideshow Presentation on Hidden Symbols;

The Judge sits on the bench for the bank.  Banks are on both sides of a river. A river bank directs the flow of the current/sea – the currency, the cash flow. The current-sea is “deposited” from bank to bank down the river.

We’re just “consumers” to advertise to, just “human resources” to be used up like batteries, and they are the “social engineers,” molding us “useless eaters” into wage slavery.

Read The Atlantean Conspiracy if you want to learn more.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

We can avoid using drugs, defeat any viral attack and scaremongering easily by knowing how to build our own comprehensive antiviral system.


Check also http://netteandme.blogspot.pt/2014/12/part-6-of-12conspirators-hierarchy.html The so called commitee of 300 are the real powers at work(remind me of the Queen words a few years ago)that many use to name as “Illuminati”

Understanding Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 – Existence of Life . . .

This Trust is key to what is happening on the planet right now !


Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.

London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.
The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. (back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea).

The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. The state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages.

When CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a name this always refers to a legal entity/fiction, Company or Corporation no exceptions. e.g. John DOE or Doe: JANE

1) CEST TUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced setakay) common term in New Zealand and Australia

2) STRAWMAN: common term in United States of America or Canada

These are the legal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it. It is like owning a share in the Stock Market, you may own a share… but it is still a share of the Stock.

Legally, we are considered to be a fiction, a concept or idea expressed as a name, a symbol. That legal person has no consciousness; it is a juristic person, ENS LEGIS, a name/word written on a piece of paper. This traces back to 1666, London is an IndependentCityState, just like Vatican is an IndependentCityState, just like WashingtonDC is an Independent City State.

The Crown is an unincorporated association. Why unincorporated? It’s private. The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the “bar” swears allegiance to the temple bar. You can’t get called without swearing this allegiance.

Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody.

When London burned, the subrogation of men’s and women’s rights occurred. The responsible act passed… CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of UK were declared dead and lost beyond the seas. The state took everybody and everybody’s property into trust. The state takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made.

This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because you’re dead.

The legal fiction is a construct on paper, an estate in trust. When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards. Capital letters signify death. They are writing to the dead legal fiction. A legal fiction was created when someone informed the government that there was a new vessel in town, based upon your birth.

Birth Certificates are issued to us by the Doc. just as ships are given berth Certificates at the Dock. It’s about commerce. We come from our mothers waters. Your mother has a birth canal just like a ship. The ship moves by the sea current just as we are able to move by the currency.

All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through Maritime Admiralty Law. Through this ancient legal construct we can be easily controlled and duped. Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock yourself. Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of commerce. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies.

In about 1837 the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. His job was to collect all the data from the churches which held the records of birth.

Regis – from Queen or Crown. All people are seen to be in custody of,” The Crown”. This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. The City of London is a centre for markets, where merchants work. Then there is Mercantile Law. It comes from Admiralty Law. Look at the symbols in your City Courts that relate to Admiralty.

So where you have commerce and money, you also have “justice” and “injury”. You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary. We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be summoned. There is an obligation to accept any liability which has been created.

We are operating in Admiralty. A not guilty plea, or ANY plea admits jurisdiction. The strawman, aka legal fiction is always guilty. Barristers and solicitors make a living out of creating controversy. By creating a controversy you become liable for the case.

Honour and dishonour. To remain in honour you have to accept a claim and settle (discharge) it. Then you add conditions, ie. “I accept on proof of claim and proof of loss”. This gives the liability back to them. The legal fiction is always guilty. Only in the High Court, can the real man or woman appear. Games are played on courts, hence the name ‘court’. It is a game with actors (acting on acts). It has to be treated as a game and just business. Court room dramas are misinformation.

In the public, we are operating in bankruptcy and you receive benefits. It takes a lot of time, effort and study to understand and use these tools. You have to be prepared to go fully through the process, get the right tool out of your toolbox at the right time.

People need to learn how to act as a creation of God rather than a creation of Man.

Evidence of Life Evidence of Person Entitled to payment Form 206


Rights Suspension and Corruption

Cestui Que Vie Trust

Canon 2036 (link)

A Cestui Que VieTrust, also known later as a “Fide Commissary Trust” and later again as a “Foreign Situs trust” and also known as a form of “Secret Trust”is a fictional concept being a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of one or more Persons presumed lost or abandoned at “sea” and therefore assumed/presumed “dead” after seven (7) years. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust may be formed were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies.

Canon 2037 (link)

The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. Therefore, any claims, history, statutes or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust as pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void. A Cestui Que (Vie) Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted “life” expectancy of the estate.

Canon 2038 (link)

Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. When a Beneficiary loses directbenefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in Cestui Que (Vie) Trust on their behalf, they do not “own” the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust and are only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust choose to provide them.

Canon 2039 (link)

As all Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created on one or more presumptions based on its original purpose and function, such a Trust cannot be created if none of these presumptions can be proven to exist.

Canon 2040 (link)

The Trust Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the Estate from two Latin words e+statuo literallymeaning “by virtue of decree, statute or judgment”. However, as the Estate is held in a Temporary not permanentTrust, the (CorporatePerson as Beneficiary is entitled only to equitable title and the use of the Property, rather than legal title and therefore ownership of the Property. Only the Corporation, also known as Body CorporateEstate andTrust Corpus of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust possesses valid legal personality.

Canon 2041 (link)

The Property of any Estate created through a Temporary (Testamentary) Trust may be regarded as under “Cestui Que Use” by the Corporate Person, even if another name or description is used to define the type of trust or use. Therefore “Cestui Que Use is not a Person but a Right and therefore a form of “property“.

Canon 2042 (link)

In 1534, prior to the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act (1540), Henry VIII declared the first Cestui Que Vie type estate with the Act of Supremecy which created the Crown Estate. In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the estate as the Crown Union (Union of Crowns). By the 18th Century, the Crown was viewed as a company. However by the start of the 19th Century around 1814 onwards upon the bankruptcy of the company (1814/15) , it became the fully private Crown Corporation controlled by European private banker families.

Canon 2043 (link)

Since 1581, there has been a second series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the property of “persons” and rights which migrated to the United States for administration including:

(i) In 1651 the Act for the Settlement of Ireland 1651-52 which introduced the concept of “settlements”, enemies of the state and restrictions of movement in states of “emeregency”; and

(ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and

(iii) In 1931 the Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1931-32; and

(iv) in 2001 the Patriot Act 2001.

Canon 2044 (link)

Since 1591, there has been a third series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the property of “soul” and ecclesiastical rights which migrated to the United States for administration including:

(i) In 1661 the Act of Settlement 1661-62; and

(ii) In 1871 the District of Columbia Act 1871; and

(iii) In 1941 the Lend Lease Act 1941.

Canon 2045 (link)

By 1815 and the bankruptcy of the Crown and Bank of England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom became assets placed in private banks effectively becoming “private trusts” or “Fide Commissary Trusts” administered by commissioners (guardians). From 1835 and the Wills Act, these private trusts have been also considered “Secret Trusts” whose existence does not need to be divulged.

Canon 2046 (link)

From 1917/18 with the enactment of the Sedition Act and the Trading with the Enemy Act in the United States and through the United Kingdom, the citizens of the Commonwealth and the United States became effectively “enemies of the state” and “aliens” which in turn converted the “Fide Commissary” private secret trusts to “Foreign Situs” (Private International) Trusts.

Canon 2047 (link)

In 1931, the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican created the Bank for International Settlements for the control of claimed property of associated private central banks around the world. Upon the deliberate bankruptcy of most countries, private central banks were installed as administrators and the global Cestui Que Vie/Foreign Situs Trustsystem was implemented from 1933 onwards.

Canon 2048 (link)

Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State(Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny the child forever any rights of Real Property, any Rights as a Free Person and any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.

Canon 2049 (link)

Since 1933, upon a new child being borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly convey the beneficial entitlements of the child as Beneficiary into the 1st Cestui Que(Vie) Trust in the formof a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the childany rights as an owner of Real Property.

Canon 2050 (link)

Since 1933, when a child is borne, the Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate knowingly and willinglyclaim the baby as chattel to the Estate. The slave baby contract is then created by honoring the ancient tradition of either having the ink impression of the feet of the baby onto the live birth record, or a drop of its blood as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful legal meanings on the live birth record. This live birth record as a promissory note is converted into a slave bond sold to the private reserve bank of the estate and then conveyed into a 2nd and separate Cestui Que (Vie) Trust per child owned by the bank. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to “seize” the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust.

Canon 2051 (link)

Each Cestui Que Vie Trust created since 1933 represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the 3 claims of property of the Roman Cult, being Real PropertyPersonal Property and Ecclesiastical Property and the denial of any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of the society and as Executors and Administrators.

Canon 2052 (link)

The Three (3) Cestui Que Vie Trusts are the specific denial of rights of Real PropertyPersonal Property and Ecclesiastical Property for most men and women, corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the Bar Association Courts. The first form of law is corporate commercial law is effective because of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust. The second form of law is maritime and trust law is effective because of the 2nd Cestui Que Vie Trust. The 3rd form of law is Talmudic and Roman Cult law is effective because of the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust of Baptism.

Canon 2053 (link)

The Birth Certificate issued under Roman Law represents the modern equivalent to the Settlement Certificates of the 17th century and signifies the holder as a pauper and effectively a Roman Slave. The Birth Certificate has no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of a state or nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts.

Canon 2054 (link)

As the Cestui Que Vie Trusts are created as private secret trusts on multiple presumptions including the ongoingbankruptcy of certain national estates, they remain the claimed private property of the Roman Cult banks and therefore cannot be directly claimed or used.

Canon 2055 (link)

While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimed ownership of the name, the body, the mind and soul of infants, men and women. Each and every man and woman has the absolute right to rebuke and reject such false presumptions as a holder of their own title.

Canon 2056 (link)

Given the private secret trusts of the private central banks are created on false presumptions, when a man or woman makes clear their Live Borne Record and claim over their own name, bodymind and soul, any such trustbased on such false presumptions ceases to have any property.

Canon 2057 (link)

Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person stablishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment.

Source: https://exodus200.wordpress.com/step-1a-understanding-cestui-que-vie-act-1666/

Stanley Kubrick Confesses to Faking Moon Landings

A stunning new video has emerged 15 years after Stanley Kubrick’s death in which Kubrick admits that the NASA moon landings were faked. 

Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray interviewed Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. He was forced to sign an 88-page NDA to keep the contents of the interview a secret for 15 years.

Below is a transcript from the interview with Stanley Kubrick, in which the 2001 Space Odyssey Director admits on camera that, “the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.”

We have included a leaked rough cut of the interview below the transcript:


K: I’m so preoccupied. With my work, innovation, risk-taking, regrets…
T: Why are you giving this interview?
K: Because, it started to get to me after awhile. Well, this is difficult, because it is the first time I’ve talked about it. (sighs)
T: Sure, take all the time you need.
K: I’ve always been conflicted by it, but not consciously until years later. I was just blown away by the chance, the opportunity, the challenge of making this, this production, and I went into this like it was a regular film, like another regular film of mine, not thinking too much about uh the long term effects of what it would mean to society if it was ever discovered.
T: What are you talking about? I’m dying to know what you’re talking about.
K: Well, a confession of sorts. A movie I made, that nobody is aware of – even though they’ve seen it.
T: A movie you made, no one knows you made? Is that what you said?
K: That’s right. Is that intriguing? Do I have you intrigued?
K: I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.
T: Ok. (laughs) What are you talking…You’re serious. Ok.
K: I’m serious. Dead serious.
K: Yes, it was fake.
T: Ok. Wait. Wait…
T: I don’t want this to be an R-rated film, but seriously, what the blank, but seriously…
T: I, I, I worked almost eight months to secure this once in a lifetime interview that almost no else could ever get, and instead of talking about his sixteen films that I’ve endured since I was a child…That we didn’t land on the moon, you’re saying?
K: No, we didn’t.
K: It was not real.
T: The moon landings were fake?
K: A, a, a.. fictional moon landing. A fantasy. It was not real.
K: Don’t you think it’s important for people to know the truth?
T: The moon landing in ’69, which was two years before my birth…
K: Is total fiction.
T: Total fiction.
T: Is that?…So, that’s the 15 year thing. So that’s makes sense now. That’s why I can’t release it for 15 years now, that makes total sense now.
T: Did we…we didn’t land on the moon you’re saying?
K: No, we didn’t.
T: Why are you telling me?
K: A, a, a, a massive fraud. An unparalleled fraud perpetrated against them. They SHOULD know.
K: Nixon want to uh, they were planning, yeah, he want to fake this, this moon landing…
T: Are you contending that people DON’T want to know the truth about the world, reality, the moon landings…?
K: The government, knowing this, takes advantage of it by perpetrating fraud after fraud after fraud.
T: How did you end up giving in? Being complicit with this fraud?
K: I didn’t want to do it.
T: This is NOT where I thought this interview was going!
K: With my help, with my, with my aid, and it is, it is bothering me.
T: I only have this certain amount of time with you. And I’ll talk about whatever you want, but…
T: You’re not…This isn’t some type of joke, or…
K: No. No, it’s not.
T: Or a film within a film thing…
K: Not joking. NOPE.
T: Okay.
K: The conspiracy theorists were right, on this occasion.
T: I don’t know what to ask you first.
K: I thought it was wrong, I just…I didn’t believe in perpetrating a fraud like that.
T: But you did.
K: It also undermined my artistic integrity to do that.
T: Ok, but you ended up saying yes. Why?
K: Well, yes, but because basically I was bribed. To put it bluntly, that’s what it was. It was just a plain fucking bribe.
T: Why are you telling me?
K:A, a, a, massive fraud. An unparalleled fraud perpetrated against them. They SHOULD know! Don’t you think it’s important for people to know the truth?
T: Why did they have to fake it? Why? Why would they ever need to do something like that? Why would the government ever want or need to do…
K: It’s no secret that NASA always wanted to fulfill this Kennedy prophecy.
T: Take it from the beginning…
T: I gotta be honest, this is where he (Kubrick) got me. I mean, when I actually put myself in his position, when I actually imagine that he was telling the truth, and that he was presented with this opportunity and if in the one in a billion chance that I lived his life and I was presented with the same opportunity, what would I do?
T: Yeah, he wanted his approval points up and he thought nothing could do it better than this.
T: What a conflict. I mean, gosh, I can’t imagine being presented with that opportunity. On one hand, I’d really would want to do it, but then I’d probably say I’m committing a crime, and lying…
T: It depends, but my guess would be…no, if you’re good, but you would do it.
K: Spielberg, (inaudible) Scorsese, even Woody Allen. There isn’t one of them who wouldn’t do this.
T: I gotta admit: I’d do it. I’d do it too.
T: But they dangled all this power and all this flattery on you, essentially?
K: Yeah, it got to me after awhile. You can listen to so much of that stuff before you start to believe it.
T: They just said you were the greatest and stuff?
K: Yeah, yeah – and I agreed with them.
K: Why are you telling the world? Why does the world need to know that the moon landings aren’t real and you faked them?
K: Which I consider to be my masterpiece.
T: And you can’t take credit, or even talk about…
K: Well, I am now..
T: Right, so you’ll be dead. In ten years, or 15…
K: Right, ten or 15 something like that.
T: So, you can’t talk to Roger Ebert about it. Does that frustrate you?
T: Why did they have to fake it? Why would they have to do that?
K: Because it is impossible to get there.
T: Ok, back up, back up, back up….

first 30 minutes on YouTube…

Vatican and Pope Connections to ALL corporations

These documents are NOT secret. They ARE a matter of Public Record.HERE ARE TRUTHFUL FACTS MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW, …. BUT SHOULD…



1. The IRS is Not a US government agency. It is an agency of the IMF(International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)

2. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. page 816)

3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch 214 page 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. (Executive Order 12803)

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the U.S. government, even though the “U.S. Government” held stock in the agencies. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the U.N. through the IMF(International Monetary Fund). The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are “Department of the Treasury”. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111 Subpart B. 422.103 (b))

8. There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)

9. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators. (FRC v.

GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178)

10. According to GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) you MUST have a Social Security number. (House Report (103-826)

11. New York City is defined in Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capital of the World.” For once, he told the truth. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) )

12. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)

13. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. (It says “U.S. Department of Treasury” at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)

14.You own NO property!!! Slaves can’t own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours. You are listed as a TENANT. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

15. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but rather the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 PA. C.S.A. 502)

16. The King of England financially backed both sides of the American Revolutionary War.. (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

17. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it! The U.S. Constitution applies to the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, a privately owned and operated corporation (headquartered out of Washington, DC) much like IBM (International Business Machines, Microsoft, et al) and NOT to the people of the sovereign Republic of the united States of America. (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

18. America is a British Colony. The United States is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796(Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)

19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVsMUpPgdT0

20. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

21. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)

22. A 1040 Form is for tribute paid to Britain (IRS Publication 6209)

23. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493)

24. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493)

25. The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)

26. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children. (Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

27. Military dictator George Washington divided up the States (Estates) in to Districts(Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate)

28. “The People” does NOT include you and me. (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)

29. It is NOT the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers. (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)

30. Every thing in the “United States” is up for sale: bridges, roads, water, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc… Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake?? (Executive Order 12803)

31. “We are human capital” (Executive Order 13037) The world cabal makes money off of the use of your signatures on mortgages, car loans, credit cards, your social security number, etc.

32. The U.N. – United Nations – has financed the operations of the United States government (the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) for over 50 years(U.S. Department of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and child in America.

The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.

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